Biology Changing the World

Royal Society of Biology Strategic Plan 2019 - 2021

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Biosciences for all

The RSB is committed to promoting inclusive, accessible and diverse participation in the life sciences. 

We are developing a new strategy document to improve how we consider and promote diversity and inclusion in all aspects of our work. Some of our key ambitions in each area of our work can be found below.


To create a bioscience environment that attracts and benefits from a variety of experiences, skills and qualities, the RSB will proactively promote equality of opportunity, diversity and inclusion in schools and higher education, in the workplace, in training and in biology activities for the general public.


In its role as a professional and membership body, the RSB will encourage and advance inclusion and accessibility in its own practices and across the biosciences, including by championing, communicating and connecting leading practice among Member Organisations.


The Society wishes to see people of all backgrounds and circumstances have equal opportunities to flourish, succeed and contribute to the advancement of biological knowledge.


It is important that the governance of the RSB should represent the wider membership of the RSB and bioscience community, and that it works to encourage a life science sector that attracts and benefits from a variety of experiences, skills and qualities.


The RSB is currently looking for case studies from its members for our #BiosciencesForAll initiative. Do you have a story to share from your career to encourage others or raise awareness of career barriers in the biosciences and how they could be overcome? If you have a story to share or would like more information about our work in this area contact Laura Marshall. 

Related RSB News

RSB brings together 150 delegates for the first ever biosciences outreach and engagement symposium

Biology Week 2018: Bioscientists discuss inclusion and diversity at Policy Lates

‘People have found the strength to come out after reading other scientists’ stories’

RSB Diversity and Inclusion page 

Making it work

The finance, infrastructure, and strategic partners behind our latest business plan. 

Biosciences for all

The RSB is committed to promoting inclusive, accessible and diverse participation in the life sciences. Read more about our work in this area.