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When it comes to research culture, we're all in it together.

The International Research Culture Conference (IRCC) invites all those working in research to come together, to foster meaningful conversations and build an inclusive community of practice.

Improving research culture is a key priority for government, universities and the wider R&D sector. It's imperative to share best practice on how to create inclusive research environments, which promotes creative, thriving teams of researchers and research enablers.

Beyond this, national and international methods of research assessment are changing to be more responsible and there is great interest in discussing what shape these might take and how institutions can keep up with these changes.

The IRCC will offer an unrivalled opportunity to come together with like-minded people to improve synergies and look for collective solutions, in order to curate robust and reproducible research culture knowledge for all.

Who should attend

The event is aimed at researchers (at all career stages) and research enablers in higher education institutions across the UK and internationally. It's also aimed at funding bodies, partner organisations (including industry, charities and the NHS) and current or prospective University of Warwick researchers and research enablers.


The full programme is still to be revealed and will be co-created with the research community, but you can expect a mix of keynote speakers from national and international research organisations and plenty of time for networking and discussion. Refreshments are available throughout the day and lunch is provided.

Cost and booking

This event is open to all, online attendance is free.
In-person attendance is also available, find more details and register on the Warwick University website.


For general queries relating to the International Research Culture Conference, please email