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CEO team

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Dr Mark Downs CBiol CSci FRSB

Chief Executive




Jen Crosk

Jennifer Crosk

Executive Assistant

020 3925 3472

Jen provides support to the chief executive, council and senior management team and manages human resources.


Membership Services & Events

Download a department organogram or call 020 3925 3441 for general membership enquiries.



Mark Leach MRSB


020 3925 3446

Mark is responsible for overall strategy of the RSB’s membership and activities relating to recruitment and retention, third party services, events and regional activity, and facilities and governance.


Membership and Events



Karen Patel CBiol MRSB

Head of Membership and Events

020 3925 3443

Karen is responsible for the strategy, implementation and delivery of membership engagement and growth activities. She oversees the events programme, event funding, and events for external clients.




Shameema Haque MRSB

Membership Engagement Manager

020 3925 3442

Shameema manages individual and organisational membership recruitment, retention and engagement processes and oversees a range of membership networks.


Chris Longmore web


Chris Longmore MRSB

Membership Engagement Officer (MOs)

020 3925 3453

Chris supports membership growth and relationships with external organisations including full, supporting and affiliated Member Organisations (MOs), and employer networks.




Eden Bloomfield

Membership Engagement Officer

020 3925 3448

Eden supports Shameema with the recruitment, retention and engagement of individual members.


Emma Chaplin


Emma Chaplin AMRSB

Membership Engagement Officer

020 3642 9678

Emma supports Shameema with the recruitment, retention and engagement of individual members.


Lucy Eckersley MRSB


Lucy Eckersley MRSB

Senior Events Officer

020 3925 3445

Lucy manages the planning, execution, and evaluation of the RSB's events programme and supports end-to-end event delivery for external clients.


Eleanor Barrand


Eleanor Barrand

Events Officer

020 3925 3444

Eleanor supports the planning, delivery, and evaluation of the RSB's events programme and leads the management of selected external events for clients.


Membership and Client Services



Andy Stephens

Client Services Operations Lead

020 3925 3450

Andy provides the day-to-day administration for the British Society for Genetic Medicine, the British Society of Animal Science, and oversees the activities of the client services team.

C Brown


Charlie Brown MRSB

Membership Officer

020 3925 3452

Charlie manages the day-to-day membership administration for the Genetics Society, British Lichen Society,  and the International Society for Affective Disorders.


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Zoha Tauseef AMRSB

Membership Assistant

020 3925 3451

Zoha manages the day-to-day administration for the Heads of University Biosciences (an RSB special interest group), Fisheries Society of the British Isles, and the Anatomical Society.

Freya Bambridge


Freya Bambridge AMRSB

Membership Assistant

020 3925 3463

Freya provides day-to-day administration for the British Society for Neuroendocrinology, Laboratory Animal Science Association and the Freshwater Biological Association.



Accreditation and Professional Affairs

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Paul Trimmer MRSB


020 3925 3456

Paul is responsible for the strategy, implementation and delivery of RSB's professional development activity including the Degree Accreditation Programme, training, professional registers and careers.


Degree Accreditation

Tessa Gibson


Tessa Gibson MRSB

Senior Accreditation Officer

020 3925 3455

Tessa manages the accreditation application process, supports institutions and the associated committee.


Alice Foster 125


Alice Foster

Accreditation Officer

020 3925 3454

Alice facilitates the accreditation application process, supports institutions and provides administrative support to the associate director and associated committee. 

Professional Affairs

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Dr Tia Salter MRSB

Senior Professional Development Officer

020 3925 3460

Tia manages the development and delivery of the RSB's professional development activity including careers work and the professional registers.




Dr Raksha Gohel MRSB

Training and Registers Officer

020 3925 3458

Raksha supports the delivery and development of the RSB's training centre and professional registers, and careers committee.


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Emily Lunn AMRSB

Training and Registers Officer

020 3925 3447

Emily supports the delivery and development of the RSB's training centre and professional registers, and CPD audit.


Policy and Publications

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Arianne Matlin1


Dr Arianne Matlin MRSB

Associate Director of Policy and Publishing

020 3925 3468

Arianne is responsible for ensuring that RSB develops, delivers and communicates a programme of policy work to support and maximise the benefit of biosciences to society, and promote the interests of people in the biosciences sector.

Education Policy

Lauren Mcleod 2


Lauren McLeod MRSB

Head of Education Policy

020 3925 3462

Lauren manages the RSB's education policy work from primary to tertiary education across all four UK nations. She supports collaboration with partner organisations through the Science Education Policy Alliance and Learned Societies Group in Scotland, and the work of RSB’s Curriculum Committee and Education Policy Advisory Group.



Shabana Brightley MRSB

Education Policy Officer

020 3925 3478

Shabana leads on education policy related to initial teacher training, recruitment, retention and CPD and supports the Biology Education Research Group, Teaching Policy Advisory Group and network.


Tara profile image


Tara Nadi

Education Policy Assistant

020 3925 3440 ext 3497

Tara provides administrative support to the Science Education Policy Alliance, working closely with Association for Science Education, Institute of Physics, Royal Society and Royal Society of Chemistry on policy areas covering primary and secondary education in the sciences.


Science Policy



Dr Laura Marshall MRCVS MRSB

Head of Science Policy

020 3925 3469

Laura advances and manages the RSB's complete portfolio of science policy work - focusing on strategy, team development, partnerships, impact measurement and communication.

Jade Hall

 Dr Jade Hall MRSB

Senior Science Policy Officer (Equality, Diversity, Inclusion and Culture)

020 3925 3466

Jade leads delivery of our science policy outputs relevant to biosciences research culture. She supports the RSB Diversity and Inclusion Working Group and RSB Diversity and Inclusion Network. She convenes cross-team collaboration to develop and deliver the RSB’s equality, diversity and inclusion commitments. 




Kieran Woof MRSB

Senior Science Policy Officer (Plant and Environmental Sciences)

020 3925 3470

Kieran leads delivery of our science policy outputs relevant to the plant and environmental sciences. He supports the RSB Plant Science Group and the Natural Capital Initiative. He convenes cross-team collaboration to develop and deliver the RSB’s climate and nature commitments. 


Sabrina Fleurime


Sabrina Fleurimé MRSB

Science Policy Officer (Research Landscape)

020 3432 8504

Sabrina leads and supports delivery of our science policy outputs relevant to the biosciences research landscape (including research funding, workforce, infrastructure and communications). She supports the RSB Education and Science Policy Committee.


Steph Preston


Dr Steph Preston

Science Policy Assistant (Animal and Biomedical Sciences)

Steph provides co-secretariat support for the UK Bioscience Sector Coalition helping to facilitate collaborative, coordinated policy work between member organisations.







Tom Ireland MRSB

Managing Editor  

020 3925 3464

Tom is editor of the RSB's membership magazine, The Biologist, both in print and online, and advises on our external communications. 




Charlotte Cross

Senior Publications Officer 

020 3925 3465

Charlotte supports RSB’s partner publications, including the Journal of Biological Education, Emerging Topics in Life Sciences, and the Oxford Biology Primers series. She also assists with The Biologist magazine.


Communications and Public Affairs

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Susie Rabin


Susie Rabin MRSB

Associate Director of Communications and Public Affairs

020 3925 5607

Susie oversees the communications and public affairs team, which includes press and social media, outreach and engagement, competitions, awards, grants, and engagement with Parliament.


Dr Amanda Hardy


Dr Amanda Hardy MRSB

Senior Outreach, Engagement and Grants Officer

020 3925 3459

Amanda is responsible for the strategy, implementation and delivery of engagement activities and is chair of the RSB's Outreach and Engagement working group.


Clare Simm

Senior Digital Communications and Marketing Officer

020 3930 9927

Clare coordinates content for the RSB's website and is responsible for RSB's social media and digital marketing. 



Veronica Kocovska1


Veronica Kocovska MRSB

Communications and Media Officer

020 3773 0867

Veronica coordinates RSB's media coverage, is responsible for writing and communicating RSB news and updates, and hosts the Biosphere podcast.


Sadiyah Profile


Sadiyah Diallo-Geny

Digital Content and Design Officer

020 3773 8825

Sadiyah coordinates the RSB's marketing activity, brand development, messaging and design work.