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The Membership and Professional Affairs (MPA) Committee is one of two Principal Committees of the RSB that reports to Council.

The role of the MPA is to develop and review the RSB’s strategies, policies and processes that support our individual members and Member Organisations throughout their lifetime with the RSB to achieve their own personal, professional and organisational goals. The committee do this by developing relevant, innovative and modern methods of support across all membership categories.

The MPA Committee's terms of reference are to:
1. Review of RSB regulations and code of conduct, recommending amendments as appropriate to the Trustee Board

2. Proactive development of a strategic framework of professional support from early career through to retirement and beyond

3. Review and analysis of membership recruitment and retention strategies, advising on current best practice and new modes of engaging with current and potential members

4. Oversight of all professional registers, ensuring that they support the communities they serve and advising on benefits packages as related to underpinning competency frameworks

5. Directing training and professional development support, specifically advising on the training provision and online training portal provision

6. Advising on event programmes and content, suggesting speakers, themes and sponsors as required (in collaboration with ESP committee)

7. Oversight of regional branch activity through liaison with the branches group

8. Advising on stakeholder engagement activities and member organisation benefits, using current market trends and best practice indicators, including but not limited to Member Organisation recruitment, retention and benefit packages.

Chair: Emeritus Professor Claire Wathes FRSB
Liam Blacklock MRSB
Professor Ruth Ayres FRSB
Professor Louise Cosby FRSB
Charles Gill MRSB
Jon Green CBiol FRSB
Laura Holland
Professor Patricia Kuwabara FRSB
Dr Nigel Page CBiol CSciTeach FRSB
Dr Jacqui Piner CBiol FRSB
Dr Mark Young CBiol FRSB
Jo Langston
Dr Trudy McMurray MRSB
Alistair Michel MRSB

Dr Mark Downs CBiol CSci FRSB (Chief Executive)
Cara Froggatt MRSB (Senior Professional Development Officer)
Dr Jade Hall MRSB (Senior Science Policy Officer)
Mark Leach MRSB (Director of Membership, Regions and Facilities)
Dr Arianne Matlin MRSB (Associate Director of Policy and Publications)
Karen Patel CBiol MRSB (Head of Membership and Events)
Susie Rabin MRSB (Associate Director of Communications and Public Affairs)
Paul Trimmer MRSB (Director of Accreditation and Professional Affairs)
Secretariat: Christopher Longmore MRSB (Membership Officer)