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The Teaching Policy Advisory Group (TPAG) envisions a future where educators are not only essential members of the biosciences community but also active participants in shaping the policies governing their profession. This group provides a platform for teachers and educators from diverse backgrounds to influence the Royal Society of Biology (RSB)'s education policies, share their expertise, and collaboratively address pressing issues in school-level teaching across the UK.

The Royal Society of Biology published its education priorities for 2023 – 2028, outlining important factors that contribute to excellent biology teaching and learning in the UK, for all students at all levels, and underpinning our policy work:

  • All young people should have an unbroken chain of experts teaching the science disciplines
  • All young people should experience curricula and assessments which prepare them to be scientifically literate, able to make scientifically informed choices, and ready them for a diverse and evolving world of work.

The Teaching Policy Advisory Group's terms of reference are to:

  • advise RSB on key issues impacting the teaching sector that can be addressed through existing and potential policy positions
  • advise on the Society's responses to external consultations on teacher training, retention, recruitment and CPD matters
  • inform and guide the Teaching Policy Network, ensuring that decisions are based on expert advice and the latest research in education policy
  • facilitate collaboration among education professionals, allowing them to connect, share insights, and exchange best practices within the teaching community
  • offer valuable professional development opportunities through webinars, networking events, and consultations, empowering teachers to enhance their skills and knowledge
  • promote the work and vision of RSB by engaging with teaching gatekeepers and stakeholders, including students, teachers, teacher educators, education researchers, governments, regulators, and awarding bodies
  • advise the Society's ESP committee on any matters associated with teacher training, retention, recruitment and CPD.


Members of the Teaching Policy Advisory Group

Dr Elizabeth (Liz) Lakin FRSB - Chair

Charles Gill MRSB

Clare Draper

Helen Faulkner MRSB

Karen Kerr FRSB

Mike Cassidy FRSB

Kevin O'Dell FRSB

Patricia Carruthers

Emma Yhnell MRSB

Jacqueline Davidson Gray

Karen Stephens

Joanna Igoe

Donna Dawkins

Dr Annie McRobbie



Arianne Matlin MRSB

Lauren McLeod MRSB

Shabana Brightley MRSB


If you are interested in joining the Teaching Policy Network, please sign up here for expressions of interest.