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Early career scientists and engineers question MPs and Ministers about the issues that matter to them at Voice of the Future 2025

Voice of the Future (VOF) is a unique Science Question Time event where early career scientists and engineers can question senior parliamentary and government figures. Participants will emerge with a better understanding of how the Parliament and the Government functions.

Watch previous VOF events including our 2021 online event, read the 2024 event news story, explore attendee social media highlights on X using #VOF2024.

Social media

You can follow @RoyalSocBio and contribute to the event using on social media using #VOF2025. 

Organisations and representatives

Each contributing Parliamentary Steering Group organisation will be asked to put forward one representative from their own membership, to ask a question in one session. Each organisation is also allocated a number of spaces to attend the event live on the day. To see the organisations that have been involved in previous events, please visit the VOF webpage.


PSG organisation representatives and attendees should be nominated by emailing Lucy Eckersley at
To register as an attendee for the audience, click the link at the top of the page and include your organisation name when booking.

Contribute as an RSB member

Royal Society of Biology members at the BioNet, AMRSB and student affiliate grades are encouraged to submit a question for review, which will be asked by the RSB representative on the day. To submit a question for consideration, please email with the subject ‘VOF2025 Question', including your name and affiliation.


If you have any questions about this event contact Lucy Eckersley at or on 020 3925 3445.

Continuing Professional Development (CPD)

This event has been approved by the Royal Society of Biology for purposes of CPD and can be counted as 6 CPD points.


All aspects of this event are subject to change due to the variability of parliamentary business. We will aim to keep all attendees informed with any changes as soon as they are made, however these may come at short notice due to the uncertainty of the participating speakers' schedules.