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Online (Zoom)
Australasia branch

A short meeting for RSB members following the upcoming dissolution of all RSB branches in 2025

The RSB Australasia branch is incorporated in Australia and dissolution requires a formal meeting of members and a vote on two resolutions.

Time zones

This short 15-minute Zoom meeting will start at the following times:
GMT - UK = 05:00
Indonesia = 12:00 (GMT+7)
AWST - Perth = 13:00
ACST - Darwin = 14:30
AEST - Brisbane = 15:00
ACDT - Adelaide = 15:30
AEDT - Sydney and Melbourne = 16:00
NZDT - Wellington = 18:00

Cost and booking

This is a free meeting and advance registration is essential through the link at the top of the page.

Special requirements

If you have accessibility requirements, please let us know during your booking, and we will do what we can to accommodate your needs.


Direct event queries to Dr Rob Eley, Australasia branch secretary, at
Direct booking queries to Lucy Eckersley, RSB senior events officer, at or on +44(0)20 3925 3445.