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The education policy team aim to keep this page updated weekly with latest news from government departments, awarding bodies, and those responsible for regulating education across the UK. This guidance is intended for teachers and technicians of 5 - 19 biology in schools, but may also be of use to those in the higher education sector and others involved in education.

The Royal Society of Biology has produced a page collating advice for students and parents to supplement remote learning during partial school closures. The Society also advises school leaders and teachers consider the questions in Education Endowment Foundation's Linking Learning resource - home learning support from mainstream schools.

The announcements below have been collected under three headings:

Reopening of schools

Department for Education guidance on actions for schools during the coronavirus outbreak, and guidance for opening of schools. Coronavirus (COVID-19): guidance for schools and other educational settings is also provided. Guidance for parents and carers about schools and other education settings. Separate guidance has been published for specialist settings supporting children with SEND, further education and early years.

Northern Ireland: Latest education updates

Scotland: Updated schools’ guidance.

Wales: Latest education updates from the Welsh Government.

BAMEed: guidance for schools produced in line with NHS staff guidance, including a risk assessment for BAME staff returning to work in schools.

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Practical activities at home and as schools reopen

CLEAPSS have provided advice for practical activities for pupils attending secondary school during periods of extended closure and guidance for science departments returning to school after a period of closure.

SSERC (Scotland) have some home learning resources on their website.

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Resources for remote learning

Updates from DfE and regulating bodies for teachers in England, Northern Ireland, Scotland and Wales:

Department for Education (England) have collated a set of online education resources for schools and parents to help children learn at home, including maths and science. General guidance and advice for staff, parents and carers, pupils and students can be found in this collection.

A package of support including additional funding has been announced to help schools and parents.
Actions for schools in England during the coronavirus outbreak
Department of Education (Northern Ireland) have published FAQs for schools, and will be updating this page with information as further details are announced.

Education Scotland The National Improvement Hub now has support for developing online opportunities for remote learning including early learning, the sciences, and staff health and wellbeing.

The Welsh Government has information online on education and Stay Safe. Stay Learning: supporting the education system. With resources available from the national learning platform, Hwb.

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