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The 11th annual Parliamentary Reception took place on Tuesday 8th November in Portcullis House.

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Stephen Metcalfe MP, chair of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee

Held in partnership with the Biotechnology and Biological Sciences Research Council (BBSRC), the Parliamentary Reception brings together RSB Members and Fellows, MPs, representatives of RSB Member Organisations and other members of the bioscience community to celebrate the study and impact of biology in the UK.

The Viscount Stansgate welcomed guests and introduced the speakers that would deliver speeches during the course of the evening. Stephen Metcalfe MP, chair of the Parliamentary and Scientific Committee, spoke about how the event was a celebration of biology, speaking directly to the guests: “Thank you for what you do for all of us collectively. Scientists are helping us tackle the big challenges we face, such as preserving biodiversity and reducing plastic dependence.

“Science is one of those areas that crosses the parliamentary floor, there are colleagues on all sides of the house, from all parts of the country, who truly believe that by supporting science we can improve the lives of the people we represent.”

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Dr Mark Downs CBiol CSci FRSB, chief executive of RSB, then discussed how bioscience is at the heart of solutions to problems that we face today, noting that the scientific community has huge potential to contribute to innovation and growth.

BBRSC executive chair, Professor Melanie Welham FRSB, went on to touch on the importance of advancing the frontiers of our science knowledge to drive forward a healthy and sustainable future.

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Professor Melanie Welham FRSB, BBRSC executive chair

She then introduced Professor Guy Poppy FRSB, BBRSC deputy executive chair, who talked about food systems. He raised the point that food is central to so many aspects of the world we live in today and that there is a strong bioscience element in helping promoting sustainability in food systems for both planetary and human health.

The Royal Society of Biology would like to thank the guest speakers, the BBSRC and everyone who attended the event.