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Carol Monaghan MP joins the RSB to discuss science funding and the need for more scientists in politics

RSB members were joined by Carol Monaghan MP to discuss spending cuts, policy work, and the activity of the Science and Technology Select Committee, as part of the RSB’s Engaging with Parliament event series.

RSB urges PM to reconsider research funding cuts: reduction could “leave a lasting scar on UK science”

Dr Mark Downs CSci FRSB, chief executive of the RSB, has written to the Prime Minister voicing sector concerns following the announcement of £120 million cut to the Global Challenge Research Fund.

Voice of the Future returns online as politicians are put in the hot seat

Young scientists and engineers got to quiz politicians and policymakers as part of the annual Voice of the Future event, returning this year in an online format.

Tackling trauma, using AI to tailor cancer treatment and combating corneal blindness – research celebrated in this year’s STEM for BRITAIN competition

Three early career researchers have received medals as part of the largest scientific poster competition to take place in Parliament.

A new leaf: Society’s advisory group for plant science gets new name

The UK Plant Sciences Federation (UKPSF) is renamed RSB Plant Science Group.

Higher Education Bioscience Teacher of the Year 2021 shortlist announced

The Royal Society of Biology is pleased to announce the shortlist for the Higher Education Bioscience Teacher of the Year award for 2021.

Mark Logan MP joins members to discuss funding, education, and international research and development

Mark Logan MP, for Bolton North East and member of the House of Commons Science and Technology Select Committee, joined RSB members online on 24th February to discuss a wide range of topics, including current inquiries, future funding models, and international relations, just to name a few.

BioArtAttack 2020 competition winners announced

The Royal Society of Biology’s annual BioArtAttack competition received a record 362 entries this year, which included digital art, models and paintings.

150+ RSB members join talk with Katherine Fletcher MP, Science and Technology Select Committee member

More than 150 RSB members joined Katherine Fletcher MP, a member of the House of Commons Science and Technology Select Committee, to discuss how scientists can engage with parliament and Government policy-making.

RSB members recognised in 2021 New Year’s honours list

The 2021 New Year’s Honours List recognises members and Fellows of the RSB for their biosciences and community work.