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  • Closing the digital loophole

    Adam McCarthy looks at how to link open and widely-shared digital genetic sequences with the ecosystems and nations where they are found in nature September 12th 2022 Adam McCarthy is the RSB’s policy intern and a PhD student at the University of...

  • The digital loophole

    Adam McCarthy looks at how to link open and widely-shared digital genetic sequences with the ecosystems and nations where they are found in nature September 12th 2022 Adam McCarthy is the RSB’s policy intern and a PhD student at the University of...

  • “The collaborative spirit is extraordinary and unprecedented”

    Just a few months before the COVID-19 pandemic hit, synthetic biologist Imre Berger FRSB and colleagues finished work on synthetic vaccine platform intended for rapidly responding to infectious disease outbreaks. Can you describe what your role...

  • Science Minister meets with RSB to discuss spending review

    This week the Minister for Universities and Science, Jo Johnson MP, met with the President and the chief executive of the Royal Society of Biology, Professor Dame Jean Thomas Hon FRSB and Dr Mark Downs CSci FRSB. This week the Minister for Universities...

  • Capital Gains

    A new report from the Natural Capital Initiative celebrates 10 years of collaborations in the effort to rethink how society values the natural world In 2009 the American ecologist and evolutionary biologist Guy McPherson said: “If you think the economy...

  • “The experiments we're doing today are riskier than they've ever been”

    Biosecurity and bio-risk expert Dr Filippa Lentzos discusses the 'explosion' of high-risk research, genetic surveillance, and science misinformation - and says bioscientists must do more to understand the ways their work could be misused or abused July...

  • “The experiments we're doing today are riskier than they've ever been”

    Biosecurity and bio-risk expert Dr Filippa Lentzos discusses the 'explosion' of high-risk research, genetic surveillance, and science misinformation - and says bioscientists must do more to understand the ways their work could be misused or abused July...

  • Food for thought

    The Government’s National Food Strategy will be complex and challenging, spanning health, agriculture, the environment and many other areas relevant to biologists The Biologist 66(3) p6 Food. It’s pretty important stuff, when you think about it. We...

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