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  • Crazy horses

    obligatory for pregnancy, whether in males or females. Aftermating, the fertilised eggs differentiate into embryos, which attach to the inner surface of the pouch walls. While these embryos largely rely on their yolk sacs for nourishment, it is becoming...

  • How to Fail Well

    the student found it matched a sequence found within the human histone acetyltransferase (HAT), an enzyme complex that attaches acetyl groups to proteins to control gene expression. He decided to test the hypothesis that the bacterial protein had a...

  • Restoration Dramas

    several ways to plant corals. One approach is to bind rubble together to create a stabilising structure to which corals are attached with marine epoxy. However, the areas on which Suggett is working are prized tourist destinations. “It can look like...

  • If you go down to the woods today...

    bigger and tend to feed on larger animals. However, even larvae and nymphs will feed on humans given the opportunity. Once attached, they instinctively crawl upward, aiming to attach around the head and neck because the skin there is thinner, and many...

  • Breaking down barriers

    about exactly what triggers their formation and how to prevent them forming in the first place. Most microorganisms can attach to and grow upon surfaces (1). After attachment (2), the production of extracellular polymers helps solidify the attachment...

  • Hunting for 'holes of hope'

    mixed with a culture of the target pathogen and incubated overnight at 37 °C. Any suitable phages found in the sample will attach to their host and kill it, producing more phages. Again, the bacteria is removed and the now enriched phage mixture is...

  • Photography Competition Winners 2018

    of elaborate suckers found on the tarsus of the foreleg of malegreat diving beetles (Dytiscus marginalis). They are used to attach the male to the female during mating. The detailed pattern of this elaborate structure is revealed using microscopy....

  • How to...explore rock pools

    seaweeds are the base of coastal food chains and provide not only food but a home for many animals, as well as an attachment point for other algae where bare rock is at a premium. Grouped arbitrarily into greens, browns and red seaweeds, depending on...

  • Built to last

    artemisiifolia (ragweed) pollen surfaces possess hooks and Helianthus annuus (sunflower) pollen grains are highly spiked to attach to insects (and subsequently a plant’s stigmatic surface). In contrast, wind-pollinated plants such as grasses produce...

  • Striking leopard gecko and patterned autumnal leaves win RSB Photographer of the Year competition

    elaborate suckers found on the tarsus of the foreleg of male great diving beetles (Dytiscus marginalis). They are used to attach the male to the female during mating. Organic crystals Photographer: Henri Koskinen Citric acid in crystal form. Citric acid...

  • RSB Photography competitions shortlist announced

    of elaborate suckers found on the tarsus of theforeleg of male great diving beetles (Dytiscus marginalis). They are used to attach the male to the female during mating. Organic crystals Photographer: Henri Koskinen Citric acid in crystal form. Citric...

  • "I've never seen a dividing line between human and animal medicine"

    prostheses PerFiTS devices (percutaneous fixation to the skeleton) are custom made, 3D-printed prostheses that attach directly to the bone of the damaged limb (endoprosthesis) and help avoid total amputation of the limb after severe injury or excision...

  • "If you've had your leg dragged under a motorbike, you'll sure as hell want this technology"

    prostheses PerFiTS devices (percutaneous fixation to the skeleton) are custom made, 3D-printed prostheses that attach directly to the bone of the damaged limb (endoprosthesis) and help avoid total amputation of the limb after severe injury or excision...

  • To Dye For

    as cotton, linen, hemp etc. Before dyeing, however, the fabric has to be treated with a mordant, which enables the dye to attach to the fibres. The salts of metals are often used to combine with the colourant molecules. Potassium aluminium sulphate, or...

  • War of the Worms

    feature is their mouth, which contains vampire-like teeth – known as cutting plates – that enable the parasite to attach itself to the intestinal wall and feed off the host's blood. Unfortunately, helminths make identifying antigenic material difficult....

  • Engineering with algae

    try to do all the time synthetically." Diatom silica's high surface area makes it an excellent material on which to attach functional molecules. Moreover, its unique micropatterned architecture frequently creates superior properties to conventional...

  • Focus on...Allergies

    to the substance. The next time the person comes across this allergen, mast cells with these specific antibodies attached release inflammatory substances, such as histamines and prostaglandin, which act on the surrounding tissues. Symptoms can be mild...

  • Redefining Life

    those researchers in 1992 thought they were dealing with a bacterium. Thanks to the fibrils, the mimiviruses are capable of attaching to several environmental organisms, such as amoebae, Gram-positive bacteria, fungi and arthropods[3]. Their ability to...

  • Spotlight on: Agroecology

    numbers and a few that are increasing. How do you measure that? I'm measuring it using a tethered flight mill system – we attach the moths to an arm which turns round on an axis. The moths fly round in a circle and a computer records how many...

  • Reports

    Heart Foundation professor of vascular cell biology at the University of Bristol described his research into how plaques attach inside arteries and the consequences of failure. The plaque is a type of tissue; an atheroma sealed in with a layer of...

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