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  • International bioscience workforce case studies

    We are seeking case studies to help understand and illustrate the international bioscience workforce in the UK In particular these would be a helpful resource in preparation for responding to the Migration Advisory Committee (MAC) call for evidence and...

  • Gift affiliate membership

    Gift RSB affiliate membership to a biology enthusiast in your life this holiday season No formal qualification in biology is required for our affiliate grade, all you need is a passion for the life sciences and a desire to get involved with the...

  • Scotland to ban growing GM crops

    Scotland is to ban the growing of genetically modified crops, the country's rural affairs secretary has announced. Scotland is to ban the growing of genetically modified crops, the country's rural affairs secretary has announced. Speaking on Saturday,...

  • Education during COVID-19

    Advice, resources and announcements for schools, students and parents during COVID-19 pandemic Educators across the UK are now dealing with new challenges as schools and universities partially reopen and face continued disruption to teaching and...

Results 21 - 24 of 24