Spotlight on: Clinical Trials
The Biologist Vol 61(3) p30-32 Clinical trials make up the crucial final stages of the development of all regulated drugs and therapies. Extensive biomedical or behavioural studies on human subjects determine the safety and efficacy of any treatment...
Working (a synchrotron) from home
Above: Professor Sir David Stuart. Image courtesy of Diamond Light Source. During the pandemic researchers have been operating the Diamond Light Source synchrotron remotely, running crucial COVID-related experiments on its beamlines from the comfort of...
Cultural revolution
Professor Andrew Whiten FRSB explores the emerging evidence of ‘animal culture’ and its importance in evolution February 21st 2022 In the lush forests of Costa Rica, white-faced capuchins typically engage in busy, often frantic-looking foraging and...
"If you've had your leg dragged under a motorbike, you'll sure as hell want this technology"
A pioneering vet and star of Channel 4’s The Supervet, Professor Noel Fitzpatrick is using his profile to try to unite the fields of animal and human biomedical research The Biologist 64(5) p26 Born in Laois, Ireland, Professor Noel Fitzpatrick...
"I've never seen a dividing line between human and animal medicine"
A pioneering vet and star of Channel 4’s The Supervet, Professor Noel Fitzpatrick is using his profile to try to unite the fields of animal and human biomedical research The Biologist 64(5) p26 Born in Laois, Ireland, Professor Noel Fitzpatrick...