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  • Death on Earth: Adventures in Evolution and Mortality

    to explore questions surrounding death, including taking a trip to a forensic body farm (which uses pigs) and acquiring a dead magpie for his daughter. The book also wraps this voyage around the science, revealing just how death is a fascinating part of...

  • Do No Harm: Stories of Life, Death and Brain Surgery

    struggles – self-importance, demoralisation, marital breakdown – and medical mistakes. These left patients mute, paralysed, dead and, though severe in his self-reflection, his evident desire throughout his career to do his best in trying circumstances...

  • New statistics give clearer picture of animal use in experiments

    ‘severe’ procedures include long-term diseases where assistance with normal activities is required, as well as animals found dead without sufficient information to decide that they did not suffer severely. Again this gives new insight and shows where...

  • Let’s make it clear…

    and citizens. This debate must be driven by biologists. Scientists aswell as citizens should avoid running into a similar dead end as we have done in Germany with GM plant technologies. But how can we ensure a fair dispute on this complex and fast...

  • Crick Questions: Sir Paul Nurse

    change their minds. I think the subjects that remain issues are GM, vaccinations, stem cells – whether something is alive or dead – and climate change. In something like climate change, you have almost all the scientists in the same place, and actually...

  • Dragonflight: In Search of Britain’s Dragonflies and Damselflies

    Explaining the start of her fascination with dragonflies, Taylor describes retrieving a dragonfly seemingly broken and dead from a cat’s well timed leap, then seeing it ‘repair itself’, rest for a moment and fly away. An overview chapter lists the...

  • Poor Relations

    to be kept in private menageries and zoos, or displayed in circuses, music halls and the like when alive, and dissected when dead. Not even the publication of Darwin's Origin of Species in 1859 could shake the view that despite the common ancestry, apes...

  • Spotlight on: Mycology

    somewhere suitable, they grow mycelium out of the wood and create long foraging structures that search the forest for more dead wood to colonise. Like mycological motorways, these huge structures can shift nutrients around a forest in a matter of...

  • Dame Bridget Ogilvie

    remember very vividly the effect of liver fluke. We were moving a herd of young ewes and suddenly one of them just dropped dead. It looked fine on the outside, but when we opened it up, it essentially had no liver. There were so many immature forms of...

  • The Neuroscience of Psychotherapy: Healing the Social Brain (Third Edition)

    but I could not find any discussion of the 'false positives' controversy that has surrounded these studies. (Not even the 'dead salmon study', which famously illustrated the problems of fMRI analysis by finding 'responses' to certain questions put to a...

  • "There is a lot of fire in bellies at the moment"

    with David Attenborough, they are the people I really look up to. I’m inspired by them to work and never retire until I drop dead. But, really, there are extraordinary people in every corner of the planet working 24/7 to save a species or better...

  • Photography Competition Winners 2019

    successful hunt was taken by Amogh Gaikwad. After capturing its dinner, this 15-month old tiger cub decides to play with its dead prey. Special thanks to judges Tim Harris - Nature Picture Library and Bluegreen Pictures Tom Hartman - program chair of...

  • Photography Competition Winners 2018

    In biochemistry it is an intermediate in the citric acid cycle, which occurs in the metabolism of all aerobic organisms. Dead leaf or almost by Guilhem Duvot Taken: Borneo The perfect camouflage - nature is amazing. Foraminifera shells by Steve Lowry...

  • The Pandemic Century: A History of Contagion from Spanish Flu to Covid-19

    and social complacency that allowed the virus to spread around the world so devastatingly, leaving hundreds of thousands dead and Honigsbaum himself unable to determine whether he has had COVID-19 or not. Alongside worrying projections for the course of...

  • 2019 UK animal research statistics released

    severe suffering is something that we would not wish to endure (for example a heart attack or when an animal is found dead). The actual severity of experimental procedures on animals were 91% sub-threshold, mild or moderate, only 4% were severe and 5%...

  • Out of the woods

    UK in 2012 attracted much media attention and public interest. We now know that it was present here much earlier. Cankers on dead trees and ring counts suggest the fungus could have been present in the UK as early as 2004[1]. It is believed to have...

  • Climate: Code Red

    hope,” he says. Bullock initially took part in an XR ‘die-in’ (a form of protest where activists lie down and pretend to be dead, disrupting people’s movement). “Meeting up and joining in with XR scientists at the October Rebellion gave me a focus and...

  • Gardening the planet

    soil health Macroscopically, huge numbers of beneficial insects and nematodes support soil health. They feed off living and dead plant pests and pathogens, providing yet more biological control. Thriving worm populations are key measures of soil health....

  • Divide and Conquer

    method to producethousands of coral plugs that can be fused together, or transplanted and epoxied directly onto large dead coral colonies. The corals then spread tissue, effectively ‘reskinning’ endangered species of coral and bringing 100-year-old...

  • Beetle photo taken on Isle of Wight coast by retired engineer wins the RSB Photography Competition

    successful hunt was taken by Amogh Gaikwad. After capturing its dinner, this 15-month old tiger cub decides to play with its dead prey.

Results 41 - 60 of 68