Training and CPD Event Approval
requirements. The RSB is not responsible for event delivery and as such will not be held liable in the event of any dispute between event provider and attendees. The RSB reserves the right to remove approval at ourdiscretion. It is a condition of...
requirements. The RSB is not responsible for course delivery and as such will not be held liable in the event of any dispute between the course provider and attendees. Training Testimonials "Really interactive and fun" "In depth, good use of practical...
Saving the World: How Forests Inspired Global Efforts to Stop Climate Change from 1770 to the Present
on the islands of Mauritius and Réunion had caused a dramatic decline in rainfall. The book goes on to examine the lengthy dispute between Thomas Jefferson, who was convinced that the climate of the Americas was being improved by deforestation, and...
The digital loophole
of global land and sea as protected areas by 2030, is currently under threat before the conference has even started, as a dispute over digital sequence information (DSI) deepens. The devil's in the data The definition of DSI is itself subject to...
Closing the digital loophole
of global land and sea as protected areas by 2030, is currently under threat before the conference has even started, as a dispute over digital sequence information (DSI) deepens. The devil's in the data The definition of DSI is itself subject to...
An evening with Sir Alec Jeffreys
their DNA. By the 1990s, DNA fingerprinting had become a standard part of criminal investigations, as well as immigration disputes, paternity tests, war crime evidence gathering and more. Sir Alec now estimates that between 50 and 70 million people...
An evening with Alec Jeffreys
their DNA. By the 1990s, DNA fingerprinting had become a standard part of criminal investigations, as well as immigration disputes, paternity tests, war crime evidence gathering and more. Sir Alec now estimates that between 50 and 70 million people...
Parliamentary report identifies major flaws in EU regulation of GM crops
own decisions about whether or not to adopt GM products. This forces member states that are fundamentally opposed to GM to dispute the science, exaggerate uncertainty and misrepresent the precautionary principle in an attempt to prevent EU-wide...
Let’s make it clear…
avoid running into a similar dead end as we have done in Germany with GM plant technologies. But how can we ensure a fair dispute on this complex and fast evolving issue in a way that is suitable for both scientists and the broader public? The public is...