Member profiles
Our latest profiles explore the working lives of Dr David N Thomas FRSB, a professor of Artic ecosystems; science technician Laurence Dawkins-Hall FRSB; and RSB trustee Dr Jacqui Piner FRSB These profiles appeared in the Winter 2022 issue of The...
Frozen assets
Advances in the science of ‘cryobanking’ animal gametes are helping restore endangered populations and preserve biodiversity, writes William V Holt The Biologist 64(4) p16-21 In the late 1940s a young postdoc called Chris Polge, working at the MRC...
Fantastic flies
Diptera expert Erica McAlister talks to Tom Ireland about the awesome diversity and unappreciated beauty of flies The Biologist 66(2) p14-17 Erica McAlister is senior curator of Diptera at the Natural History Museum (NHM) and published her first book,...
An Order of Magnitude
Diptera expert Erica McAlister talks to Tom Ireland about the awesome diversity and unappreciated beauty of flies The Biologist 66(2) p14-17 Erica McAlister is senior curator of Diptera at the Natural History Museum (NHM) and published her first book,...
"The wave has only got bigger"
Co-inventor of CRISPR gene-editing technology Jennifer Doudna talks to Tom Ireland about one of the biggest science stories of the decade The Biologist 66(5) (RSB 10th Anniversary Special Issue) p10-15 In 2012 American biochemist Jennifer Doudna and...
Sensing success at iGEM
A team of scientists from the University of Nottingham explain their competition project – a novel system to detect botulinum toxins in food The Biologist 66(6) p26-29 Every October thousands of students from around the world gather in Boston, USA, for...
The Motorcycle Diaries
For the last five years Janelle Kaz has combined her love of nature and motorcycles on a two-wheeled intercontinental conservation adventure. She gives The Biologist a taster of the latest leg of her trip, across Chile and Peru, where she meets groups...
"The wave has only got bigger"
Co-inventor of CRISPR gene-editing technology Jennifer Doudna talks to Tom Ireland about one of the biggest science stories of the decade The Biologist 66(5) (RSB 10th Anniversary Special Issue) p10-15 In 2012 American biochemist Jennifer Doudna and...
The PhD student: Jack of all trades or master of one?
As well as gaining specialist expertise, PhD students learn a broad range of skills, explains Laura James The Biologist 66(2) p6 At some point we have probably all heard the warning about being a ‘Jack of all trades, master of none’. It’s a colloquial...
Interview: Liz Bonnin
(Images courtesy of Toby Strong and Atlantic Productions) TV science presenter Liz Bonnin talks to Tom Ireland about her love of biochemistry and big cats, and how she hopes her new documentary will help tackle plastic pollution The Biologist 65(4)...
"There is a lot of fire in bellies at the moment"
(Images courtesy of Toby Strong and Atlantic Productions) TV science presenter Liz Bonnin talks to Tom Ireland about her love of biochemistry and big cats, and how she hopes her new documentary will help tackle plastic pollution The Biologist 65(4)...
A killer cure
Above: Bdellovibrio, with long flagella, attached to a larger prey bacterium, by Dr Carey Lambert (University of Nottingham) Tom Ireland speaks to microbiologist Liz Sockett about the bacteria that prey on human pathogens, and how they could be used to...
A killer cure
Above: Bdellovibrio, with long flagella, attached to a larger prey bacterium, by Dr Carey Lambert (University of Nottingham) Tom Ireland speaks to microbiologist Liz Sockett about the bacteria that prey on human pathogens, and how they could be used to...
How to... reduce your lab's plastic waste
David Kuntin on how he and his colleagues have cut the amount of plastic their lab sends to landfill each year by more than a tonne The Biologist 65(6) p28-31 Biology laboratories rely heavily on single-use plastics in their day-to-day operations. In...
Making connections
Mysterious nanotubes connecting distant cells have a key role in directly moving organelles – as well as viruses and disease-causing proteins – from one cell to another, write Diégo Cordero Cervantes and Chiara Zurzolo The Biologist 66(2) p10-13...