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  • Meet the Presidents

    In May, Dame Julia Goodfellow will become the third president of the RSB, taking over from Dame Jean Thomas, who has been president since 2014. Tom Ireland caught up with the two distinguished scientists to discuss bioscience, Brexit and the Society's...

  • The RSB welcomes more investment in the life sciences

    The Royal Society Biology welcomes the new plans for bioscience investment, following the Chancellor’s recent announcement of the multi-faceted ‘Life Sci for Growth’, which brings together 10 different policies. The Royal Society Biology welcomes the...

  • The RSB welcomes more investment in the life sciences

    The Royal Society Biology welcomes the new plans for bioscience investment, following the Chancellor’s recent announcement of the multi-faceted ‘Life Sci for Growth’, which brings together 10 different policies. The Royal Society Biology welcomes the...

  • The RSB welcomes more investment in the life sciences

    The Royal Society Biology welcomes the new plans for bioscience investment, following the Chancellor’s recent announcement of the multi-faceted ‘Life Sci for Growth’, which brings together 10 different policies. The Royal Society Biology welcomes the...

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