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  • Interview: Natasha de Vere

    Ecologist and conservationist Dr Natasha de Vere talks to Tom Ireland about DNA barcoding every species of native flowering plant in the UK, and the crisis facing plant-pollinating insects around the world The Biologist 64(1) p22-25 In 2012, Wales...

  • RDC Activities

    Creative Commons Licenses As open access policies develop around the world, authors will increasingly need to comply with mandates regarding copyright. Since this can be difficult to navigate, the Royal Society of Biology’s Research Dissemination...

  • Herbal Remedy

    Cannabis has a damaging effect on mental health when used long term, but one of its compounds is showing promise in the treatment of schizophrenia, reports Dr David Potter The Biologist 61(4) p16-19 The infamous propaganda film Reefer Madness, released...

  • Valuing our Life Support Systems Summit

    The Natural Capital Initiative will be hosting its second Valuing our Life Support Systems natural capital summit on 6th & 7th November 2014, hosted by the British Library. The Natural Capital Initiative will be hosting its second Valuing our Life...

  • Society Awards Celebrate Biology Books and Art

    A science group for 11 year olds, an Indian amateur photographer and a broadsheet journalist were among the range of winners recognised at the Society’s annual Biology Week Awards last night. A science group for 11 year olds, an Indian amateur...

  • The Bioscience Awarding Gap Network

    The Bioscience Awarding Gap (BAG) Network is an advisory group to the Heads of University Biosciences (HUBS). The group promotes within HUBS the communication, discussion and adoption of practices that are shown to reduce demographic awarding gaps in...

  • RSB celebrates outstanding competition and award winners at this year’s Annual Awards Ceremony

    The Royal Society of Biology held its Annual Awards Ceremony to celebrate RSB competition and award winners, newly recognised Registered Scientists and Registered Science Technicians, and to present the President’s Medal. The Royal Society of Biology...

  • RSB launches new Policy Resource Library for the biosciences

    The RSB has launched an innovative new library of policy resources for the biosciences, providing easy search and access to more than 800 published documents. The RSB has launched a free, innovative new library of policy resources for the biosciences,...

  • What was on in Biology Week 2017

    We had an action packed week during Biology Week 2017! Fun Palaces: Plastic = Not Fantastic St Hilda's East Community Centre, London Boundary Estate residents and St Hilda's East Community Centre are joining together to bring arts and science to the...

Results 21 - 29 of 29