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  • Food and Food Security

    A selection of activities related to food waste, food production and climate change. Food security lesson plans Most suitable for school students aged 14+ These resources were developed in partnership with BBSRC’s Global Food Security initiative. They...

  • Parliamentarians questioned by scientists in Voice of the Future 2024 over key issues: AI, food security, and STEM job pipelines

    has been trained properly and with the appropriate data. Katherine Fletcher highlighted the three key areas of focus: data security, anonymisation, and confidence in data sets, with the much-needed overhaul that the NHS’ antiquated IT systems will...

  • The Commons, Plant Breeding And Agricultural Research: Challenges For Food Security And Agrobiodiversity

    Fabien Girard and Christine Frison (Eds) Routledge, £115.00 Times are indeed uncertain, but always interesting. Food security is a key challenge, given the context of global climate change, rapidly increasing population and political uncertainty. A...

  • Critical Role of Animal Science Research in Food Security and Sustainability

    US's National Research Council set up a committee in March 2014 to report on the role of animal science research in food security and sustainability towards 2050. It accepted three underlying assumptions: that global animal protein consumption will...

  • New techniques and practices needed for future food security

    At a special event this week, food experts from research and industry discussed how our menus might change in 50 years’ time. Worldwide, 1.3 billion tonnes of food is wasted every year while almost 1 billion people go undernourished and another 1...

  • Policy Lates

    of food policy nationally and internationally. They charted the balancing act this involves, bringing in needs for food security, reversing biodiversity loss and achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions targets. Panel Dr Simon Doherty FRSB FRCVS,...

  • “The experiments we're doing today are riskier than they've ever been”

    Biosecurity and bio-risk expert Dr Filippa Lentzos discusses the 'explosion' of high-risk research, genetic surveillance, and science misinformation - and says bioscientists must do more to understand the ways their work could be misused or abused July...

  • “The experiments we're doing today are riskier than they've ever been”

    Biosecurity and bio-risk expert Dr Filippa Lentzos discusses the 'explosion' of high-risk research, genetic surveillance, and science misinformation - and says bioscientists must do more to understand the ways their work could be misused or abused July...

  • Parliamentary reception for Biology Week

    from the MPs, Tim Benton, a Professor of Population Ecology at Leeds University and also the UK Champion for Food Security, gave a thought-provoking speech about food resources, our responsibilities as consumers and the future of food provision for the...

  • Big numbers aplenty as Policy Lates tackles the complexities of food

    Policy Lates event of 2021 on the theme of ‘Rethinking our food system’, exploring the complexities of improving food security and health while also reversing biodiversity loss and achieving net zero greenhouse gas emissions targets. L:R - Dr Simon...

  • The Threat of a Plant Disease Pandemic

    and disease are inextricably linked. Not only does poor nutrition cause disease, but outbreaks of disease affect food security and nutrition. The UN Food and Agriculture Organization estimates that between 90 and 140 million people will be pushed into...

  • What was on in Biology Week 2017

    classroom or assembly hall, to give your students the opportunity to meet a ZSL scientist. Biology for Food and Nutrition Security Radio Programme A radio programme discussing food and nutrition security. BioArtAttack Competition at Millais School...

  • Regulating revolutions

    and powering innovative applications across life sciences R&D, agriculture, sustainability, pollution control, energy security, human health and defence. Despite this rapid progress, the convergence of AI with bioscience is still in its infancy and...

  • Regulating revolutions

    and powering innovative applications across life sciences R&D, agriculture, sustainability, pollution control, energy security, human health and defence. Despite this rapid progress, the convergence of AI with bioscience is still in its infancy and...

  • RSB welcomes a new Cabinet post and Government department dedicated to science and innovation

    through two new departments of State: the Department for Science, Innovation and Technology and the Department for Energy Security and Net Zero, both led by Cabinet level posts. The Royal Society of Biology welcomes the Prime Minister’s decision to...

  • Panel discuss the next global threat to change all our lives at Biology Week debate

    in-person to hear what the experts had to say about biodiversity loss, antimicrobial resistance, climate change and food security. The panel of four came together to discuss their work and their thoughts and opinions, with the event chaired by Professor...

  • 13 ways bioscience is helping fight climate change

    crops and livestock. As climate change threatens the global supply of food, biologists are also working to improve food security, make diets more nutritious, and reduce food spoilage and waste. New strains of rice could drastically reduce the amount of...

  • The fab C4

    that if more of our most-consumed crop species used C4 photosynthesis, it could have a radical effect on global food security. However, a less well-discussed topic is how the lack of C4 photosynthesis in forest tree species, which are important both...

  • Food for thought

    thousands of people. However, since the world wars food policies and practices have mostly aimed to minimise risk to food security through national self-sufficiency and by attaining maximum yield per hectare. Evidence is now mounting of the catastrophic...

  • Consultation Responses

    The Royal Society of Biology submitted a response to the Environmental Audit Committee's inquiry into climate change and security. April 2024 The Royal Society of Biology submitted a response to the DEFRA Animal Welfare Committee’s call for evidence on...

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