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  • Biology Week at Home

    Cocktail stick Fresh leaves from spinach, coriander or basil Experiment instructions: 1. Cut your filter paper into a strip roughly 2cm wide and 10cm long. 2. Draw a pencil line on your filter paper about 2cm from the bottom. 3. Roll up and pinch a few...

  • It's time to teach the power of plants properly

    approaches that raise awareness about biodiversity more broadly. For example, Professor Miles Richardson’s ‘biodiversity stripes’11, which show the temporal decline of biodiversity using a strip of stripes that change from green to grey, are much...

  • Fisheries Society of the British Isles

    the environment as a short cut to identifying which fishes are present in her sampling area. Molly has produced a fun comic strip which explains all, and a worksheet encouraging youngsters to think like scientists, while making a Biodiversity Pledge!...

  • Zone 2: Activities and Experiments

    the environment as a short cut to identifying which fishes are present in her sampling area. Molly has produced a fun comic strip which explains all, and a worksheet encouraging youngsters to think like scientists, while making a Biodiversity Pledge!...

  • Hullabaloo At Home 2020

    Cocktail stick Fresh leaves from spinach, coriander or basil Experiment instructions: 1. Cut your filter paper into a strip roughly 2cm wide and 10cm long. 2. Draw a pencil line on your filter paper about 2cm from the bottom. 3. Roll up and pinch a few...

  • Swansea Science Festival

    Cocktail stick Fresh leaves from spinach, coriander or basil Experiment instructions: 1. Cut your filter paper into a strip roughly 2cm wide and 10cm long. 2. Draw a pencil line on your filter paper about 2cm from the bottom. 3. Roll up and pinch a few...

  • Midlothian Science Festival

    Cocktail stick Fresh leaves from spinach, coriander or basil Experiment instructions: 1. Cut your filter paper into a strip roughly 2cm wide and 10cm long. 2. Draw a pencil line on your filter paper about 2cm from the bottom. 3. Roll up and pinch a few...

  • Glasgow Science Festival

    Cocktail stick Fresh leaves from spinach, coriander or basil Experiment instructions: 1. Cut your filter paper into a strip roughly 2cm wide and 10cm long. 2. Draw a pencil line on your filter paper about 2cm from the bottom. 3. Roll up and pinch a few...

  • Virtual Lambeth Country Show

    Cocktail stick Fresh leaves from spinach, coriander or basil Experiment instructions: 1. Cut your filter paper into a strip roughly 2cm wide and 10cm long. 2. Draw a pencil line on your filter paper about 2cm from the bottom. 3. Roll up and pinch a few...

  • Hatching a plan

    it’s a labour-intensive task. Patrols generally set out each night at approximately hourly intervals along the 7.1km coastal strip during nesting season (March to May for leatherbacks). Each turtle may lay eggs up to eight times in a season, so most...

  • What if? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions

    Munroe is the creator of popular web comic xkcd. If you are not familiar with xkcd, it is a humorous stick figure cartoon strip about technology, mathematics and life as a scientist. The UK edition of What If? is a collection of questions submitted by...

  • Algal biofuels

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