Extinctions: How Life Survives, Adapts and Evolves
is perhaps not surprising from someone who has written more than 50 books with the same publisher, and gives TED talks and YouTube presentations. Highly complementary to the current BBC television series Earth, narrated by Chris Packham, it is made...
RSB hosts first NCI event on Biodiversity Net Gain
for the benefit of people and nature, visit the NCI website, and the recording from this event will be available on the RSB YouTube Channel in due course.
Natural Capital Initiative
we celebrated our 10th anniversary by organising the third “Valuing our life support systems” conference. You can watch a YouTube recording of the latest NCI event here. At this event, Amy Wright, principle ecologist at Native Ecology, discussed the...
NCI event examines importance of marine natural capital
the benefit of people and nature, visit the NCI website. The event was recorded and is now available to watch on the RSB YouTube Channel.
Nature and climate policy issues
and specialist workshops with environmental themes recently. Many of these events, and more, are available on the RSB Youtube channel. Title Description Date What is the next Global Threat? The Royal Society of Biology brought together a panel of...
Season’s Greetings from RSB!
forward to what 2024 brings.” Stay up-to-date with RSB activity on X (formally known as Twitter), LinkedIn, Facebook and YouTube, and in our award-winning magazine, The Biologist.
Expert panel discuss healthy ageing to kick off Biology Week 2020
and the RSB’s previous Policy Lates events on Discovery Research and Antimicrobial Resistance are available on the RSB’s YouTube channel.
The RSB launch this year's news-style programme, in collaboration with ITN Productions
tackling global challenges that threaten our existence.” 'Biology for the Future’ can be viewed in full over on the RSB's YouTube Channel. This year’s programme follows the 2019 production ‘Biology Impacting Lives’, in partnership with seven other...
Biochemical Society
Society. Find out more about the Biochemical Society on their website, or follow them on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.
The British Pharmacological Society
Find out more about the British Pharmacological Society on their website, or follow them on Facebook, LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.
British Society for Immunology
more about the British Society for Immunology on their website, or follow them on Facebook, Instagram LinkedIn, Twitter and YouTube.
The Institute of Cancer Research
more about The Institute of Cancer Research on their website, or follow them on Twitter, Facebook, LinkedIn, Instagram, or YouTube.
150 people join the biggest AGM ever as it moves to online
and development. Papers from the AGM will be available on our website shortly, and the charter lecture is on the RSB YouTube channel.
Biology For the Future with ITN Productions
battle against antimicrobial resistance and the burden of infectious diseases. You can watch the film in full on the RSB's YouTube Channel.
are continuing to be filmed and edited, and new content will be added to both this website and the Royal Society of Biology YouTube channel. If you would like to be interviewed for the project, please contact us.
Rat dissection and honeybee animations win BioArtAttack competition
with both the judges and the public, receiving over half of the 500 public votes in our People's Choice Award poll on our YouTube channel. Fatema is attending the awards ceremony tonight with her parents and teacher, where she will be presented with her...
What if? Serious Scientific Answers to Absurd Hypothetical Questions
humour and fun quickly returned. The original blog is interesting and accessible and well linked to wider resources such as YouTube videos, safety documentation and other items. It's worth taking a minute to look up the web comic: you'll find it...
IBO 2017: hundreds of students take part in the biggest biology competition in the UK
blog. For photos from the week, go and visit the RSB Flickr account, and for videos from the competition, check out the RSB YouTube channel.
Press and social media
entirety. Two of the easiest ways to stream an event is via periscope on Twitter, or as a Facebook live video. Uploading to YouTube If you have suitable footage from your event we can potentially upload and share via the RSB YouTubechannel.
'The iguana escaped and the monkey peed on me’
Overall? I feel so honoured to have been asked. The lectures are a special institution of their own. Even in a time of YouTube and Netflix, there is something very different about human interaction and live demonstration. Long may they continue. The...