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CPD Event Approval

The Royal Society of Biology encourages all members to undertake suitable continuing professional development (CPD) and maintain appropriate records of this. This ensures members stay up to date with innovation in their field, develop soft skills relevant for their role, and expand their knowledge outside of their direct areas of expertise.

Providers of these opportunities, whether it be a conference, a discussion group, a seminar or a formal training course, may apply for RSB CPD event or training course approval. These approval schemes help our members enrolled in CPD and on professional registers to meet their annual CPD requirement, and identifies valuable opportunities for them.

An event suited to the CPD approval process could be a conference, workshop/webinar, debate session, discussion forum, or event where less formal learning may occur like a wildlife walk. The training course approval process is in place to recognise the quality of formal/structured training courses; these courses could be anything from half a day to multiday in length. We can recognise classroom/lecture based courses, laboratory skills, and online learning courses (e-learning).

If you are uncertain whether you should be applying for CPD approval or training approval, please email before you begin the process, with some information about your event or course and the team will be happy to advise you.

To be eligible for approval, an event or course does not always have to be specifically “biological” in content. However, the content should be contextualised for a professional biological science audience rather than the general public or any other profession. Full eligibility criteria for both event approval and training course approval are outlined below.

CPD event approval

1 Benefits of CPD event approval

  • Event listing on the RSB website, under events
  • Recognition of your event as a valuable development opportunity to the bioscience community
  • Statement of CPD points available on the webpage, at an increased rate of 3 points per hour
  • Providers can use the RSB logo on event webpage and materials

1.1 Online list of events

Our online events listing allows members and non-members to view a list of events that may be beneficial to them. The event listing will include brief details of the event (as provided in the application form), and a link to direct the user to the event provider’s booking page. Providers are responsible for ensuring that course or event details are up to date by supplying the appropriate information on the application form.

1.2 Using the RSB logo

Upon approval of your event, we will provide you with the RSB logo and text to accompany this on your event listing.

This logo may be used in advertising and on promotional materials associated with the approved event(s) but should not be used to imply approval of the provider as an organisation.

2 Fees for CPD event approval

Application for approval of an event for CPD purposes is subject to a fee which is payable upon application. If an event is found ineligible for approval, the fee will be refunded, minus a 10% administration charge.

1. RSB Member Organisations: Free of charge
2. Registered charities and individual members: £50 for a one off event, £110 for a repeated event
3. Non-members and all other organisations: £100 for a one off event, £225 for a repeated event

If you apply for approval of a one-off event, the approval period will be for one instance of the event. Applications for repeated events will last for a term of three years.

We will contact you to discuss payment upon receipt of your application. Please include an address for invoicing and a Purchase Order number if required on your application form.

3 How to apply for CPD event approval

In order to apply for approval of an event, you will need to complete an application form. This provides the information needed for the listing on our database, which will be published if successful approval of a course is granted.

The application form must address how the event meets each of the criteria for approval. You may also be asked, or wish to provide supporting evidence to meet the criteria.

3.1 Criteria

1. The target audience, aims of the event and benefits to participants should be clear

2. Relevant codes of practice, standards and/or regulations should be adhered to and participants made aware of these

3. Feedback should be requested from participants, analysed and acted upon by the training provider
Suitable evidence: Feedback forms distributed to participants (during and/or after the course)

4. Event speakers/facilitators should have qualifications and/or experience appropriate to their role and degree of involvement in the event
Suitable evidence: Course tutor(s) CV(s) and certificates of qualification

5. Participant health and safety must be ensured, and steps taken to minimise environmental impact where relevant

6. Course providers should ensure that there is equal access to the event, regardless of the protected characteristics, as defined in the Equality Act 2010

Note: In approving an event the Royal Society of Biology accepts no responsibility for participant health and safety and will not be held liable should any accident or injury occur.

3.2 Application outcome

Following evaluation of an event against the criteria, one of the following decisions will be reached:

1. The event should be approved as a unique event or for a period of up to three years
2. The event should be approved for the period above, subject to specific recommendation being implemented
3. The course should not be approved. Feedback will be provided and reapplication at a later date is permitted

Events are approved for CPD purposes only; approval does not imply they will fulfill any regulatory requirements. The RSB is not responsible for event delivery and as such will not be held liable in the event of any dispute between event provider and attendees.

The RSB reserves the right to remove approval at our discretion. It is a condition of approval that a member of RSB staff may attend an approved course for the purposes of inspection free of charge.

3.3 Period of approval and renewal process

Once granted, approval will last for one instance of the event, unless the application is for repeated approval (see fees above). If approval is granted for a repeated event, this usually lasts for 3 years; however, each year you will need to provide the RSB with renewed event details in order to keep the online listing up to date. If there are any significant changes to the event within the approval period, please provide us with this information.

Once the approval period comes to an end, a new application and fee is required. This takes the form of the initial application.

Training course approval

1 Benefits of training course approval

  • Listing of course on our website under events, and under a full list of all approved training courses, available to members and non-members
  • Recognition of your course as a valuable learning opportunity to the bioscience community
  • Advertising of the course in our monthly training newsletter
  • Statement of CPD points available on the webpage, at an increased rate of 3 points per hour
  • Advertising of the course to specific audiences it is relevant to (for instance, if your course is plant science focused, we can advertise directly to our Plant Health professional register)
  • Use of our Approved training logo on any course documentation or publicity material relating to the course, including completion certificates
  • Social media advertising of approved courses

1.1 Online list of approved courses and events

Our online list of approved courses allows users to view a list of courses the RSB has assessed as high quality training. Users can also read a brief description of the course and click through to the training provider’s website to make enquiries and book. Training providers are responsible for ensuring that course or event details are up to date by supplying the appropriate information.
The course will also benefit from an event listing under our events page.

1.2 Using our Approved training logo

Once your course is successfully approved we will provide you with our exclusive Approved training logo, and text to accompany this on your event listing.

This logo may be used in advertising and on promotional materials associated with the approved course(s) but should not be used to imply approval of the training provider overall.

1.3 Additional opportunities

We may contact providers of approved training from time to time to offer opportunities to be involved in other relevant activities. These may include conferences, exhibitions and other events.

2 Fees for training course approval

Application for approval of training is subject to a fee which is payable upon application. The fee is quoted on a case by case basis and will depend on the nature of the course(s), the number of courses submitted for approval at one time and how long each course will take to assess. If a course is found to ineligible for approval, the fee will be refunded, minus a 10% administration charge.

1. RSB Strategic Partners: free of charge
2. Individual members and Member Organisations: £500
3. Registered Charities: £750
4. Non-members and organisations: £1000

Applications for repeated events will last for a term of three years.

We will contact you to discuss payment upon receipt of your application. Please include an address for invoicing and a Purchase Order number if required on your application form. All fees listed above are exclusive of VAT.

In addition, we expect that a training provider will provide members of the Royal Society of Biology with a discount of at least 10% off the advertised price when booking an approved course. This applies only when a member is self-funding participation in the course and is not applicable to company bookings. Royal Society of Biology membership can be verified by emailing the training team, and providing a name and RSB membership number.

3 How to apply for approval of training

In order to apply for approval of an event, you will need to complete an application form. This provides the information needed for the listing on our database, which will be published if successful approval of a course is granted.

The application form must address how the event meets each of the criteria for approval. You will also need to provide supporting evidence to meet the criteria. Examples of suitable supporting evidence are given below. These examples are not exhaustive and not all examples will be relevant to all course types. The submission must be clear and easy to navigate. The RSB will work with the training provider to get the submission fit for assessment.

Although a site visit by our assessors is not a requirement for approval, we reserve the right to request a visit if deemed appropriate. Additional charges in this instance may be applicable although these will be agreed in advance.

3.1 Criteria

1. The target audience, aims of the course and benefits to participants should be clear
Suitable evidence: Webpage outlining course objectives, intended learning outcomes etc.; Any material provided to participants in advance of the course

2. The course should clearly address a professional or vocational need
Suitable evidence: Documentary record of consultation with employers, institutions of teaching and learning or potential participants; Documentary record of relevant, positive feedback provided by participants

3. Teaching and learning methods should be appropriate and meet the needs of the target audience
Suitable evidence: Sample of course materials, e.g., PowerPoint slides, handouts, workbooks; For online courses, web link and associated details to access course

4. The course content should be of a breadth and depth appropriate to the intended learning outcomes
Suitable evidence: Course materials, e.g. PowerPoint slides, hand-outs, workbooks; For online courses, web link and associated details to access course

5. The intended learning outcomes should be appropriate and be met on completion of the course
Suitable evidence: List of learning outcomes; Examples of formal assessment tools e.g., test paper, online self-assessment practical assessment where relevant; Template action plan for putting the learning into practice in the job role; Documentary record of any external monitoring; Documentary record of immediate and follow-up feedback from participants

6. Relevant codes of practice, standards and/or regulations should be adhered to and participants made aware of these
Suitable evidence: Copy of relevant code(s) of practice

7. Feedback should be requested from participants, analysed and acted upon by the training provider
Suitable evidence: Feedback forms distributed to participants (during and/or after the course); Documentary record of updates/alterations to course as a result of participant feedback; Documentary record of quality assurance processes, or in the case of new courses, an outline of the intended process for gathering, analysing and acting on feedback

8. Course tutors should have qualifications and/or experience appropriate to their role and degree of involvement in the course
Suitable evidence: Course tutor(s) CV(s) and certificates of qualification; Documentary record of “Train the trainer” initiatives; Documentary record of quality assurance processes; Recordings of tutors delivering part of the course

9. Course providers should demonstrate their commitment to supporting the biological science community
Suitable evidence: Summary of previous activities with RSB member networks; History of training activities within the biological sciences sector

10. Participant health and safety must be ensured, and steps taken to minimise environmental impact where relevant
Suitable evidence: Completed risk assessment documentation; Criteria for venue selection; Environment, health and safety guidance provided to participants including, where relevant, guidance on the safe use of display screen equipment

11. Course providers should ensure that there is equal access to the training, regardless of the protected characteristics, as defined in the Equality Act 2010
Suitable evidence: Document or webpage describing venue accessibility; Description of accessibility of any websites used; Evidence of consultation with appropriate organisations; Information about any additional support available; Evidence that participants have the opportunity to declare or discuss any special requirements prior to, or at the time of, booking  

Note 1: Where the course leads to an award or certification, methods of assessment, standards set and arrangements for external monitoring should be sufficient to instil confidence in the value of the award by participants and their employers. Where the course does not lead to an award or certification there should be sufficient, participation opportunities and/or exercises involved to evidence a positive learning experience.

Note 2: In approving a training course, the Royal Society of Biology accepts no responsibility for participant health and safety and will not be held liable should any accident or injury occur.

3.2 Application outcome

Following evaluation of a course against the criteria, one of the following decisions will be reached:

1. The course should be approved for a period of three years
2. The course should be approved for a period of three years, subject to specific recommendation being implemented
3. The course should not be approved. Reapplication at a later date is permitted

Courses are approved for CPD purposes only; approval does not imply they will fulfill any regulatory requirements. The RSB is not responsible for course delivery and as such will not be held liable in the event of any dispute between course provider and attendees.

The RSB reserves the right to remove approval at our discretion. It is a condition of approval that a member of RSB staff may attend an approved course for the purposes of inspection free of charge.

3.3 Period of approval and renewal process

Once granted, approval will normally last for 3 years; however, review at the end of the first year of approval, or annual review may be required at the discretion of the assessors and additional evidence may be requested at these points. Once a course is approved, the Royal Society of Biology should be provided with updates of any significant changes to structure and/or materials.

When the three-year approval period comes to an end, a new application and fee is required. This takes the form of the initial application and different assessors may be involved.

Download the Training and CPD Event Approval application form or email for more information.