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CPD Event Approval

Do you run workshops, seminars, conferences and other events suitable for biologists?

Would you like to offer your participants CPD credits for your events?

Royal Society of Biology CPD Approval formally recognises those events that allow our members to keep up to date with recent developments or key skills within their field, or in any area of the biosciences they may find interesting.

A CPD approved  ‘event’ can be a lecture or programme of lectures, a conference, a one-day inset, a seminar, or other activity that provides education. It must be a minimum of one hour in length and must be a short event, usually no more than one day. Short courses would be more appropriate for training course approval or if a qualification is gained, you may wish to look into degree accreditation. The event may be face-to-face or online.

Approved events will state the number of CPD points using the sentence: “Approved by the Royal Society of Biology for purposes of CPD, this event may be counted as X CPD points.” (These points are available to members enrolled on the Society’s CPD scheme.)

Royal Society of Biology Event Approval benefits:

Providers by:

  • recognition of your event
  • improved status
  • Society branded materials available for use in promoting your event
  • promotion via the Royal Society of Biology online events calendar and relevant newsletters.

RSB Members by:

  • providing information on events covering the breadth of the biosciences that have been approved for CPD
  • aiding members in their annual CPD submission (we currently have over 3000 members enrolled on our CPD scheme) by setting a high standard for our approved events so they can be allocated a higher CPD points allowance. This means it takes our registers members less time to complete their annual CPD requirement.

If you have any questions or queries, please contact us.

To find out more download the following documents:

CPD Event Approval Form

CPD Event Approval Guide