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What is Chartered Science Teacher status?

Chartered Science Teacher (CSciTeach) status recognises the unique combination of skills, knowledge, understanding and expertise that is required by individuals involved in the specific practice and advancement of science teaching and learning. CSciTeach status is recognised as a hallmark of excellence in the UK - it engenders public confidence in professionals and gives employers confidence in their employees. The Royal Society of Biology is one of several bodies that can award the CSciTeach title under license from the Science Council.

Am I eligible to apply for CSciTeach status?

CSciTeach applicants must be active in science teaching and learning in the UK or overseas. This includes teachers in all state and independent schools, colleges and universities and those working in other settings (e.g. science centres and museums) as well as advisers, inspectors, consultants and researchers. CSciTeach is open to members (MRSB) and Fellows (FRSB) of the RSB with a Masters level qualification or equivalent, who can demonstrate the required professional competences and a commitment to Continuing Professional Development (CPD). 

Typically, successful applicants have at least five years of professional experience post-level 7 qualification, including one-two years in a senior role.

How do I apply for CSciTeach status?

To apply online, log in to mySociety and click on the myRegisters tab. Select Chartered Science Teacher to start your online application. As applications for CSciTeach status are assessed externally, it is crucial that your application illustrates how you achieve each of the competencies.

Application Guidance

Application guidance notes can be downloaded here.

The Science Council are running a series of online workshops on applying for registration. Click here for the schedule and more information. 


  • Registration application fee - £75
  • Annual renewal fee - £60

CSciTeach registrants are also required to join and maintain membership of the RSB as a Member or Fellow. Details on how to join and associated costs are found here.

How do I maintain CSciTeach status?

Retention of Chartered Science Teacher status is maintained through our CPD programme which demonstrates the credibility and distinction of our Chartered Scientists. Continued Chartered status depends on successfully completing a RSB annual CPD return.

Who can I contact for more information?

If you would like to receive more information about our CPD scheme or gaining Chartered Science Teacher status please email

The Royal Society of Biology is committed to ensuring equal opportunities in the life sciences, and supports diversity throughout the pipeline; at school and higher education, in the workplace and training.

Chartered Science Teacher Guidance