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Public Engagement Group

The outreach and engagement working group is made up of representatives from Royal Society of Biology Member Organisations. The group meets four times a year to share ideas and experiences and to discuss best practice, possible collaborations and hot topics in outreach and engagement. It is one of a number of groups set up in 2011 following the publication of the Science Communication Project Report.

Organisations currently involved with this group include:

Anatomical Society
Animal & Plant Health Agency (APHA)
Applied Microbiology International
Association for the Study of Animal Behaviour
Biochemical Society
British Ecological Society
British Mycological Society
British Neuroscience Association
British Pharmacological Society
British Science Association
British Society for Cell Biology
British Society for Gene and Cell Therapy
British Society for Immunology
British Society of Animal Science
British Society of Soil Science
British Toxicology Society
Field Studies Council
Fisheries Society of the British Isles
Genetics Society
Microbiology Society
Science and Plants for Schools
Society for Experimental Biology
The Linnean Society of London
The Nutrition Society
Understanding Animal Research
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare
Zoological Society of London

If you are a member of staff at a Member Organisation of the Royal Society of Biology and are interested in being involved in this group please contact Amanda Hardy.