Undergraduate Studentships
Undergraduate studentships run over the summer and are normally designed for students who have just finished their second year of study (although this is flexible in some cases).
Royal Society of Biology - Plant Health Undergraduate Summer Studentships
We offer a number of undergraduate studentships in plant health to be carried out over the summer. These placements offer experience of research aligned with Defra priority areas in plant health.
Award: £400 per week, for a studentship period of 8-10 weeks.
External organisation grants
Studentships are essentially work experience in a specific area of biology and may involve laboratory research or practical fieldwork. Normally you have to find these research placements on your own but some of our Member Organisations may be able to help you organise them.
Applied Microbiology International - Summer Studentship Grant
For any SfAM member in a position to supervise an undergraduate student. For 6-8 week projects.
Award: Variable, approximately £301 per week (based on UK minimum wage for 18-20 year olds), adjustments available.
Application deadline: See website.
Biochemical Society - Summer Vacation Studentships
The Biochemical Society sets aside as much funding as possible for its annual Summer Vacation Studentships and makes every effort to increase this total each year, providing many undergraduate students with the valuable experience of laboratory research.
Award: Stipends of £294.50 per week for 6 weeks.
Application deadline: See website for specific deadlines.
Botanical Society of Scotland - Fieldwork projects
Support for Student Fieldwork is available to undergraduate students and those in their first year following the date of graduation for both Fieldwork Projects and Fieldwork Training Courses with a botanical theme.
Award: Maximum £700 for each project
Application deadline: See website for specific deadlines
British Dragonfly Society - Grants
They offer two grants for young (anyone up to the age of 25) people who are engaged in, or wish to establish, a small odonatological research project. The potential research topics are wide-ranging and could involve almost anything that may further biological or ecological knowledge, or support the conservation of British dragonflies. Another grant is available for over 25s.
Award: up to £250
Application deadline: See website for specific deadlines
British Lichen Society - Summer Vacation Scholarship
The British Lichen Society offers one student scholarship annually for a summer vacation project at a British academic or other research institution. Suitable candidates are likely to be higher education/university students who would like to pursue a project investigating some aspect of lichenology. This could involve, for example, their ecology, taxonomy, physiology, structure, evolution or chemistry, or an area of particular local interest.
Award: Maximum £200 for up to 10 weeks
Application deadline: See website for specific deadlines
British Mycological Society - Undergraduate Student Bursaries
The British Mycological Society offers a number of Undergraduate Student Bursaries to give students experience of research in any branch of mycology in the summer vacation prior to their final year of study.
Award: Variable
Application deadline: See website for more information
British Pharmacological Society - Vacation Studentships
These are aimed at either school leavers entering a biomedical science degree, or undergraduates studying biomedical science. Studentships will receive funding to help support students while they undertake a research project in the host laboratory.
Award: Up to £1,850
Application deadline: See website for specific deadlines
British Phycological Society - Summer Research Projects
These undergraduate summer research projects last 6 to 8 weeks and the emphasis is on providing a research experience and training for the student.
Award: See website.
Application deadline: See website for deadline.
British Society for Antimicrobial Chemotherapy - Vacation Scholarships
These are designed to give undergraduates experience in research.
Award: £270 a week for a maximum of 10 weeks , and £500 consumables
Application deadline: See website for deadline.
British Society for Cell Biology - Summer Studentship
These are offered to high calibre undergraduate students, who wish to gain research experience in cell biology during their summer vacation. Applications must be made by the prospective supervisor on behalf of a named student.
Award: £340 per week for up to 8 weeks.
Application deadline: see website
British Society for Neuroendocrinology - Undergraduate Student Laboratory Experience Grants
To provide some financial support for a student who undertakes a vacation lab project.
Award: £2,440 maximum
Application deadline: see website
British Society for Plant Pathology - Undergraduate Vacation Bursary Fund
The objective of the bursaries is to provide undergraduates considering a research career with some practical experience in a plant pathology laboratory and to assist supervisors to meet some specific research objectives, some bursaries for virtual work are also available. Bursaries will be for 6-8 weeks.
Award: £450 per week, for a studentship period of 6-8 weeks
Application deadline: see website
Carnegie Scholarships - Undergraduate Vacation Scholarships
These are available to undergraduates who were born in Scotland or who have a parent born in Scotland or who have at least two years of secondary education in Scotland, may be considered for the award of a Vacation Scholarship for the pursuit of a full time research project, usually in the vacation between their second and third years.
Award: Stipend based on Scottissh Living Wage, for 35 hours per week, for 2-12 weeks.
Application deadline: See website.
Experimental Psychology Society (EPS) - Undergraduate Research Bursary Scheme
This scheme will finance a limited number of bursaries (5) to support undergraduates in the summer vacation immediately prior to their final year.
Award: Maximum of £3,750
Application deadline: Early March each year (see website)
Genetics Society Genes and Development - Summer Studentships
These are offered to undergraduate students in any area of genetics, to gain research experience by carrying out a research project in the long vacation, usually prior to their final year. Studentships will only be awarded for students who have yet to complete their first degree i.e. who will still be undergraduates during the long vacation when they do the studentship.
Award: The studentship will consist of an award of £300 per week for up to 8 weeks to the student, plus a grant of up to £750 to cover expenses incurred by the host laboratory
Application deadline: See website for specific deadlines
Microbiology Society - Undergraduate Studentships
The Microbiology Society funds a limited vacation studentships each year. These support 6-8 week projects undertaken by undergraduate students in the summer vacation before they enter the final year of study.
Award: up to £3818 to cover a student stipend and research consumables
Application deadline: See website
Royal Microscopical Society - Summer Studentships
Six studentships are offered, split evenly between physical sciences, biological sciences and interdisciplinary projects. Applications must include a significant microscopy component and should come from a suitable host academic on behalf of a student.
Award: up to £2000
Application deadline: See website
Society for Reproduction and Fertility - Vacation Scholarships
They offer a maximum of 8 week vacation scholarships for undergraduate students. The work is offered in university departments or research institutes in the UK or Irish Republic on research projects related to reproduction, fertility and lactation in man and other animals.
Award: For projects up to 8 weeks long, £250 a week for living costs of student, plus £1000 to be paid to host laboratory for consumables.
Application deadline: See website for specific deadlines
The Gatsby Charitable Foundation - Sainsbury Undergraduate Studentships
Sainsbury Undergraduate Studentships are awarded to support undergraduate summer projects in plant science. The studentships are open to students in their second year (or in their third year, if on a four year course). Seven Sainsbury Undergraduate Studentships are offered each year.
Award: £5000 total, including £3000 for host institution and £2000 to student.
Application deadline: See website for specific deadlines
Universities Federation for Animal Welfare (UFAW) - Student Scholarship
There are various awards available to students studying at universities or colleges in the British Isles or an overseas institution at which there is a UFAW University Links representative. Students will usually be undertaking courses in the agricultural, biological, psychological, veterinary or zoological sciences.
Award: Variable, see webstie.
Application deadline: See website for specific deadlines