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The Royal Society of Biology is offering event grants of up to £1,000 to members worldwide

The aim of the grant is to promote the biosciences and engage members and the public with impactful and exciting events. This grant supports volunteers to run their own event, reaching diverse audiences, offering opportunities for networking and collaboration, and highlighting interesting concepts across the life sciences.


The recipients of the event grants should aim to:

  • Promote the wonders of biology by increasing the understanding of, and engagement with, the biological sciences.
  • Highlight emerging areas of research, and current developments in biology that are relevant to the target audience.
  • Showcase local biological projects, such as areas of biodiversity, sustainable development, bioscience research, museum collections, or citizen science.
  • Promote membership of the Royal Society of Biology.
  • Provide opportunities for networking and collaboration among RSB members.
  • Increase the accessibility of the biosciences to those who do not work in the field.
  • Tackle people's stereotypes and preconceptions of those working in the biosciences, and provide positive experiences and role models.
  • Reach out to audiences that include people who are currently under-represented in the sciences.
  • Make efforts to ensure the event is as sustainable as possible.

How to apply

The first round of this new grant scheme will open for applications in January 2025.

The application includes sections where the applicant needs to specify details of the proposed event, how the grant will be spent, and the benefits for attendees. You may find it easier to download the application questions as an MS Word document to prepare your answers and then paste these into the online form.

The closing date for receipt of applications is 23:59 on 28th February 2025.


Please read the Submission Guidance Notes before completing your application to ensure you are eligible to apply and to increase your chance of making a successful application.

  • The grant is currently open to RSB members at the following grades: affiliate, associate, member and Fellow.
  • Those who have applied for the grant but have been unsuccessful can apply again.
  • Previous RSB grant recipients are eligible to apply.
  • Grants are awarded for future events only - taking place between 1 May 2025 - 31 August 2026

Grant amounts

In each funding round, we have three funding categories, with the total funds available being split between these as deemed appropriate:

  • Bronze Grant - Grants of up to £200, intended for smaller events and activities, such as an expert lecture at a university with refreshments.
  • Silver Grant - Grants between £201 - £500 for a single event or activity, or a series of events or activities, such as an identification workshop which requires materials.
  • Gold Grant - Grants between £501 - £1,000 for a single event or activity, or a series of events or activities, such as a stall showcasing research at a science fair or festival.


If you have any queries regarding eligibility or submission, please contact