We offer a range of support for people working in the life sciences, and we aim to inspire everyone with the wonders of biology.

You can support our work by making a donation. Below are just some of the many groups we work with, and examples of how your money can make a difference to biology now and in the future.

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Leave a gift in your Will

No matter how big or small, leaving a gift in your Will to the Royal Society of Biology will make a difference.

Making a Will is one of the most important decisions you make. It is more affordable and straightforward than many people realise. There are a number of ways to incorporate a gift into a new Will, or to amend an existing Will.

You can download our Leave a Legacy to Biology booklet for more information. We will also soon be adding further information on the type of gift you can leave; suggested wording for your gift; and how to quote the RSB in your Will to ensure your donation reaches us. If you have any further questions, please contact Ana Ilic.

Once you've remembered your loved ones, remember your passion for biology.

How will my donation help?

School students

We aim to inspire people from an early age to have an interest in biology. With more funding we can improve our free activity resources for teachers to run events during Biology Week and throughout the year.

Early career members

We offer a helping hand for those embarking on a career in the life sciences, from travel grants to discounted training courses. With your help, we can offer more of this vital financial help to fund even more deserving research projects.


Members on a career break already receive a 50% discount on membership. We want to expand the range of resources available to ensure returners stay up to date while they are away and feel supported when they return to a job in the life sciences.

Local groups

Our regional grant scheme allows members to apply for up to £500 to put on local biology events. In the first wave of grants, we gave away over £6000 to fund 35 events around the UK. We have ambitious plans to grow the programme even bigger.

We are continually looking to increase our reach throughout the UK and overseas. By directly supporting our members and the wider public, we can ensure the future is bright for the biosciences and biologists.