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Biology Week in Schools

Biology Week is a great opportunity to encourage enthusiasm for biology in and around the curriculum. Here are some ways you can get involved.

Memory game

Test your students' memory and learn more about bioscientists with our new memory game:

Memory game 550

Classroom quizzes 

Test your knowledge with our secondary school PowerPoint quizzes for ages 13-15 and 16-18:

Quiz button 1

Answer sheet can be downloaded here.

Quiz button 2

Answer sheet can be downloaded here.

BioCraft Competition

Get creative with your class and put together a BioCraft 3D model.

BioArtAttack website header

Create a biology-inspired 3D artwork from recycled, or other, materials to enter into the RSB BioCraft Competition.

Everyone is able to take part, just send us photos of your masterpieces via our online submission form.

A-Z of the Biosciences Career Videos

A Z of the biosciencesIf you haven't already seen season one and two of our career short videos series you can watch these on our YouTube page. Each video has details of the qualifications needed to start in the specialisms featured and includes advice for future biologists.

Season 3 of our A-Z of the Biosciences series will launch during Biology Week 2024!

Tell us about your activities!

We always love to hear what teachers and schools do to celebrate Biology Week, and the effort put in never ceases to impress us!

Let us know what you have planned via X, Facebook, Instagram, or by emailing us. Remember to use #BiologyWeek so we can see how your event goes!

We have put together an online event guide to help support you in running an event to celebrate Biology Week.

Further resources

RSB free activity resources: downloadable resources ready to print and use

British Society for Immunology resources: including malaria teaching resources, information on immunology and even a secret life of snot activity

Science and Plants for Schools: interviews with scientists and resources for science practicals for primary and secondary students

Association of the British Pharmaceutical Industry: interactive content for ages 5-18 arranged by topic or by age range

BioMed Central: Quizzes and blog posts on bioengineering, ocean life, sustainable systems and more

The Wellcome Trust: educational resources and projects for schools, as well as professional development opportunities

Biology Teaching and Learning Resources: presentations, short answer questions and videos for GCSE students.