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A selection of reports from Travel Grant recipients:

2024 AMRSB recipients

Phillipa Bates - Field research and data collection for Master's thesis on the diet of the red fox (Vulpes vulpes) in Cyprus
Elena Hartmann - Laboratory visit and training with the Blume research group based at the Robert Koch-Institut, and attending the 17th International Congress on Toxoplasmosis, in Berlin, Germany
Indiana Holt-Morrice - Data collection for Master's research project focused on microbial degradation of plastics using extremophiles from volcanic environments in Naples, Pomezia, and Viterbo, Italy
Lily Winkler - Attending and presenting at the International Astrocyte School (IAS) in Bertinoro, Italy

2024 MRSB recipients

Elizabeth BearblockLaboratory visit and training at the Fundació Institut d'Investigació Sanitària Illes Balears, Spain
Rebecca Bignold - Attending and presenting at the 12th Young Investigator's Meeting on Smooth Muscle and Lung Structure-Function (YIM), in Winnipeg, Canada, and the American Thoracic Society Conference (ATS), in San Diego, California, USA
Emily Stevenson - Attending and presenting at the Environmental Dimension of Antimicrobial Resistance (EDAR7) conference in Montreal, Canada
Michelle Taylor - Attending and presenting at the XII Mexican Coral Reef and III Pan American Coral Reef Congress in Ensenada, Mexico, and training at the Natural History Museum of Los Angeles County in California, USA

2023 AMRSB recipients

Rowan Brown - Attending and presenting a research poster at the British Conference on Undergraduate Research 2023 at the University of Warwick, UK
Rosie Gallagher - Participating in a course on advances in stem cell biology at the Institut Pasteur in Paris, France
Molly Kelly - Research project on the prevalence of the rat lungworm among gastropod populations from agricultural lands in Mallorca, Spain
Emily Lupton - Attending and presenting a research poster at the 18th European Molecular Imaging Meeting in Salzburg, Austria
Rachel Humann - Participating in an advanced parasitology course in Woods Hole, USA
Katie Prange - Wildlife monitoring and conservation technology project in the Osa Peninsula, Costa Rica

2023 MRSB recipients

Joshua Bateman - Attending and presenting a research poster at the Inhaled Particles and NanOEH Conference 2023 in Manchester, UK
Sarah Nichols - Attending and presenting at The Society of Island Biology (SIB) conference in the Aeolian Islands, Sicily

2019 Affiliate/AMRSB recipients

Gus McFarlane - Presenting at the International Society for Biosafety Research Symposium 2019 in Tarragona, Spain
Zak Lakota-Baldwin - Conservation project on reducing human-wildlife conflict in Nairobi National Park, Kenya
Owen Middleton - Research project on interactions between a native predator and a non-native introduced population of feral donkeys in Death Valley National Park, California, USA
Evie Morris - Presenting at International Bat Research Conference in Phuket, Thailand

2019 MRSB recipients

Charlotte Zoe Angel – Attending and presenting a research poster at the Keystone Symposium - D7 Small Regulatory RNAs in Daejeon, South Korea
Dr Tina Joshi - Research project on C. difficile spore biology at the University of Santiago, Chile
Dr Karen Siu-Ting – Organising a symposium on Poison Frog Evolution at the 9th World Congress of Herpetology in Dunedin, New Zealand
Dr Victoria Sleight – Speaking in the Integrative Molluscan Genomics symposium at the World Congress of Malacology 2019 and setting up a new research collaboration in California, USA
Dr Atish Vadher - Presenting at the 11th Symposium for European Freshwater Sciences at the University of Zagreb, Croatia

2018 Affiliate/AMRSB recipients

Alex Berryman - project on monitoring biodiversity in Taricaya Ecological Reserve
Emeline Favreau - 18th International Meeting of Social Insect Research
Muqdad Hmoud - 28th European Congress of Clinical Microbiology and Infectious Diseases
Rebecca Nicholls - project on wolf genomics in the Algonquin region of Canada
William Mills - project on seabird community structure at Bird Island, South Georgia

2018 MRSB recipients

Corinne Arnold - The International Cereal Rust and Powdery Mildew Conference 2018
Emma John - World Conference on Marine Biodiversity 2018
Rhoda Olubunmi Aminu - 5th International One Health Congress
Stevie Bain - Annual Meeting of the Society of Molecular Biology and Evolution 2018
Vera Unwin - 1st Malaria World Congress

2017 Affiliate/AMRSB recipients

Gianluca Cerullo - The recovery of invertebrate diversity in logged tropical forest, Borneo
Fergus Chadwick - Building a Pollen Reference Library for the Burren, Republic of Ireland
Jazmin Kean - Internship with the Computational Biology department at Ochanomizu Univerisity, Japan
Ka Yui Kum- 9th International Congress on Traditional Asian Medicines, Germany
Hannah Wilson - International Botanical Congress 2017, Shenzhen, China

2017 MRSB recipients

Lisa Gray - World Orchid Conference & visit to Botanical Gardens, Equador
William Kay - European Cetacean Society (ECS) Conference, Denmark
Jim Labisko - 2017 Evolution Conference, United States
Kamaljit Moirangthem - 25th European Biomass Conference and Exhibition, Sweden
Solomon Popoola - 27th SETAC (Society of Environmental Toxicology and Chemistry) Europe Annual Meeting, Belgium

2016 Affiliate/AMRSB recipients

Claudia Santori - Anuran biodiversity project, Mariarano, Madagascar                      
John Godlee  - Biotic interactions project, Kluane Lake, Canada                           
Joshua Powell - Moosewatch expedition, Isle Royale, USA          
Natasha Phillips - Ocean sunfish project, Camogli, Italy                      
Patrick Cannon - Impacts of logging avian community ecology project, Borneo                            

2016 Early Career MRSB recipients

Alessia Taccogna - 20th Annual Woods Hole Immunoparasitology Meeting                     
Alexis Barr - Cancer Biology Conference, America                            
Alicja Dabrowska - Marine Microbes, Girona, Spain
Charline Couchoux - Behavioural Ecology Meeting, Exeter, UK                
Marwan Yaseen Al-Maqtoofi - British Society of Medical Mycology Scientific Meeting, Ireland                         

2015 Affiliate/AMRSB recipients

Sergio Tomey Garcia - Global Change in Alpine Ecosystems project, Pyrenees France
Fergus Kennedy - Danum Valley Field Centre in Sabah, Borneo
Jo Middleton - Acarology Summer Program, Ohio, USA
Hugh Nicholson - Fischer Laboratory, University of California, USA
Chi-Ching Tsang - 19th Congress of the International Society of Human & Animal Mycology, Australia

2015 Early Career MRSB recipients

Samuel Dean - Kinetoplastid Molecular Cell Biology Meeting, Massachusetts, USA
Clare Gray - Ecological Society of America’s annual meeting in Baltimore, USA
Davide Dominoni - European Ornithologists' Union meeting, Badajoz, Spain
Laetitia Gunton - 14th Deep-Sea Biology Symposium, Aveiro Portugal
Siobhan Gardiner - International Symposium of Phytochemicals in Medicine & Food, China

2014 Affiliate/AMSB recipients

Beth Kimpton - Studying endogenous species, Madagascar
Christopher Taylor - Umphafa private nature reserve, South Africa
Daniel Montgomery - Cape Eleuthera Institute, Bahamas
Oliver Wearing - 28th European Congress of Arachnology, Torino
Tom Handley - Malaria research, Gambia
Alec Christie - Research project with DMAD, Turkey
Zoe Harris - American Geosciences Union Fall meeting, San Francisco, USA
Fabrizio Alberti - Fungal Genetics Conference, California, USA
Matthew Dorman - Microbial Pathogenesis group, Wellcome Trust, Cambridgeshire
Leela Chakravarti - Centre for Marine Evolutionary Biology, Sweden
Yuliia Didan - 13th International Congress on Targeted Anticancer Therapies, Paris, France

2014 Early Career MRSB recipients

Constance Rich - Embryology course in Woods Hole, Massachusetts
Elizabeth Finding - American College of Veterinary Internal Medicine conference
Helen Brewer - XVI International Congress on Molecular Plant - Microbe Interactions, Rhodes
Luke Bell - 29th International Horticultural Congress, Australia
Emma Gibbin - Université du Québec à Rimouski at the Marine Evolutionary Physiology Laboratory, Canada

2013 Affiliate/AMSB recipients

Charlotte Eve Davies -  AVC Lobster Science Centre, Canada
Kimberley Slinger - Greater Kruger National Park, South Africa
Rebekah Butler -  Marine Conservation, Cambodia
Vicky Sleight - Microbial Oceanography course, Bermuda
Victoria Jones -  Shamwari National Park, South Africa
Adam Keen - SICB Annual meeting, USA
George Powell - Domestic dog vaccinations, Tanzania
Rhys Grinter - 39th Lorne conference on protein structure and function, Australia
Suraj Rai - Food security, Nepal

2013 Early Career MSB recipients

Carly Chadwick - International symposium on zoo animal welfare, USA
Felicity Muth - Animal Behavior Society conference, USA
Hayley Tyrer - Symposium on recent advances in otitis media, Sweden
Nicholas Carey - Mollusc study, Bamfield Marine Sciences Centre, Canada
Andre Marques Smith - Society for Neuroscience 2013, USA
Anwen Bullen - Association for Research in Otolaryngology conference, USA
Clare Bird - International Symposium on Foraminifera 2014, Chile
Kif Liakath-Ali - 27th International Conference on Mammalian Genome, Spain
Mayia Karachaliou - European Conference on Fungal Genetics, Spain
Michael Cowley - Keystone Symposium on Epigenetic Programming and Inheritance, USA

2012 reports

2011 reports