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The range of information sources on COVID-19 below are regularly updated, but if you have any more content, please contact us via email.

Research and policy updates, news and expert opinion from the wider bioscience community


Full Fact: Get the facts on the new coronavirus
A registered charity that is working to fact check and address incorrect information regarding COVID-19.

MRC Centre for Global Infectious Disease Analysis
These pages provide all output from the Imperial College COVID-19 response team, including publicly published online reports, planning tools, scientific resources, publications and video updates.

London School of Hygiene and Tropical Medicine COVID-19 information page
These pages provide links to resources and other outputs created by LSHTM.

LSHTM Viral Podcast
A global health podcast focusing on the science behind outbreaks and how we respond to them. Brought to you from the London School of Hygiene & Tropical Medicine.

CSaP Science, Policy and Pandemics Podcast
Produced in partnership with Cambridge Infectious Diseases and the Cambridge Immunology Network, focusing on sharing the evidence and expertise policymakers need to know as they respond to COVID-19.

KCL Policy Institute Coronavirus analysis series
A series of analyses focusing on COVID-19 issues.

COVID-19 activity across Edinburgh Infectious Diseases group
News stories and other information about the efforts of the Edinburgh Infectious Diseases Group to contribute to tackling the COVID-19 pandemic.

Usher Institute COVID-19 webinars
A link to the Usher institute COVID-19 Webinars, which explore the global response to the pandemic.

University of Glasgow CVR Research Response to COVID-19
Research programmes and other outputs from the MRC-University of Glasgow Centre for Virus Research (CVR) which contribute to tackling the COVID-19 pandemic.

COVID-19 research at UCL
News stories and other information about Covid-19 research and other outputs in response to the COVID-19 pandemic.

The UK Clinical Virology Network: Journal Watch
A selection of published research papers featuring outputs related to COVID-19.

Roger Highfield's Blog on COVID-19
Roger Highfield is the Science Director at the Science Museum Group, a member of the UK's Medical Research Council and a visiting professor at the Dunn School, University of Oxford, and Department of Chemistry, UCL.


Collaborative research efforts


COVID-19 preclinical drug development database
The Academy of Medical Sciences has launched a new resource for early stage UK COVID-19 preclinical therapeutics research, to boost collaboration and map the preclinical discovery landscape. 

The COVID-19 host genetics initiative
This initiative brings together the human genetics community to generate, share and analyse data to learn the genetic determinants of COVID-19 susceptibility, severity and outcomes.

SARS-CoV-2 diagnostic pipeline
FIND (the Foundation for Innovative New Diagnostics) are collating an overview of all SARS-CoV-2 tests commercially available or in development for the diagnosis of COVID-19.

UN Governance Lab Call for Action: COVID-19 data collaboratives
This website provides a space for the global statistical community to share guidance, actions, tools and best practices during the global COVID-19 crisis.

Use of Open Government Data to address COVID-19 Outbreak
Call for evidence: The OECD Secretariat, through the digital government and data unit, is calling for evidence on the release and use of Open Government Data in response to the COVID-19 outbreak.

COVID Action Platform
As the International Organization for Public-Private Cooperation, the World Economic Forum, acting as partner to the World Health Organization, is mobilizing all stakeholders to protect lives and livelihoods.

Global MediXchange for Combating COVID-19 (GMCC)
Information update from Global MediXchange.

Scientists and science communicators have come together to build a repository that centralizes scientific content related to COVID-19.

Fighting COVID-19 through hygiene:
The COVID-19 Hygiene Hub is a free service to help actors in low- and middle-income countries rapidly share, design, and adapt evidence-based hygiene interventions to combat COVID-19.


Additional ways the bioscience community, and others, can help with the pandemic response


Engaging with Parliament as a researcher around COVID-19
The activities on this page are the most targeted, impactful ways that researchers can engage with Parliament on the COVID-19 outbreak at the moment.

Crowdfight COVID-19
An initiative from the scientific community to put all available resources at the service of the fight against COVID-19. You can register to help or request additional support, with research points of contact across the world.

Offer coronavirus (COVID-19) support from your business.
An online portal on GOV.UK providing companies with specifications for Government’s most urgent requirements. Use this service to tell Government how your business might be able to help with the response to coronavirus.

Help the government increase COVID-19 testing capacity
The government wants help from businesses to increase testing capacity in the UK as part of its strategy to protect the NHS and save lives.

Help the government identify novel solutions for testing methods via the Testing Methods Sourcing Platform
The Department of Health and Social Care, the UK Bioindustry Association, British In Vitro Diagnostics Association and the Royal College of Pathologists are seeking new and novel solutions to help increase Coronavirus testing methods, supplies and capacity across the UK.

Take a minute to report your health daily, even if you're well
Register your symptoms using the Symptom Tracker app, designed by doctors and scientists at King's College London. The app is being used to study the symptoms of the virus and track how it spreads. This is shared with the NHS and government, and published in the top academic journals.

Submit breathing and coughing sounds via the COVID-19 Sounds app.
Upload short recordings of cough and breathing and report symptoms to help researchers from the University of Cambridge detect if a person is suffering from COVID-19. Healthy and non-healthy participants welcome.


Research publication repositories 


The Lancet COVID-19 resource centre
This resource centre brings together new 2019 novel coronavirus content from across The Lancet journals as it is published. All of the COVID-19 content is free to access.

Nature | Coronavirus and COVID-19 updates
The latest news and opinion from Nature on the novel coronavirus and COVID-19.

Nature coronavirus research updates
Nature wades through the literature on the new coronavirus — and summarizes key papers as they appear.

Nature Index | COVID-19 research update
A regular briefing on developments in coronavirus research publishing from Nature Index.

NewScientist Covid-19 news
The latest coronavirus news updated every day including coronavirus cases, the latest news, features and interviews from New Scientist, and essential information about the covid-19 pandemic

AAAS Science Magazine | Coronavirus: Research, Commentary, and News
The Science journals are striving to provide timely research, analysis, and news coverage of COVID-19 and the coronavirus that causes it. All content is free to access.

Royal Society | Making all research findings and data relevant to the COVID-19 pandemic immediately open access
The Royal Society has signed a Wellcome statement on the subject of research findings and data relevant to the coronavirus COVID-19 outbreak.

The Microbiology Society collection of free to access research on Coronaviruses
To allow the widest possible distribution of relevant research, the Microbiology Society has brought together articles from across their portfolio and made this content freely available.

NEJM | Coronavirus (COVID-19)
A collection of articles and other resources on the coronavirus outbreak, including clinical reports, management guidelines, and commentary.

JAMA | Coronavirus Disease 2019 (COVID-19)
Browse the JAMA Network COVID-19 collection, including an interactive map of the outbreak and past publications on vaccine development, infection control, and public health preparedness.

LitCovid is a curated literature hub for tracking up-to-date scientific information about the 2019 novel coronavirus.

University of Oxford Immunology Network: COVID-19 Literature Reviews
A group of post-docs and DPhil students in the Medical Sciences Division are voluntarily reviewing some of the immunology-focussed COVID-19 literature, particularly pre-prints. This initiative has been organised by the Kennedy Institute for Rheumatology Journal Club.


Information and resources from the UK Government, Parliament and related groups 


NHS | Overview - Coronavirus (COVID-19)
The latest NHS information and advice about COVID-19.

GOV.UK | Coronavirus (COVID-19): What you need to do
UK Government advice on the pandemic.

Scottish Government Coronavirus in Scotland pages
Information and support from the Scottish Government

Working safely during coronavirus (COVID-19)
Labs and research facilities: Guidance for people who work in or run indoor labs and research facilities and similar environments.

Coronavirus (COVID-19): getting tested
Guidance on coronavirus testing, including who is eligible for a test, how to get tested and the different types of test available.

Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies (SAGE): Coronavirus (COVID-19) response
The Scientific Advisory Group for Emergencies  provides scientific and technical advice to support government decision makers during emergencies. Here you can find a range of its statements and supporting evidence.

Office for National Statistics - Coronavirus (COVID-19) roundup
Catch up on the latest data and analysis related to the coronavirus pandemic and its impact on the economy and society.

Health and care statistics for England
ONS have published a tool which aims to bring together health statistics from across government in one place. Covering a wide range of topics from alcohol to dementia, the tool aims to make it easier for anyone to find the information they need on health in England.

Public Health England, PHE | Coronavirus (COVID-19) resource centre
PHE campaigns related to COVID-19.

Health Equity Assessment Tool (HEAT)
PHE has launched this framework consisting of a series of questions and prompts, designed to support professionals across the public health system and wider health economy systematically address health inequalities and equity in their work programmes, services or business planning cycles. The tool provides resources and e-learning to support systematic action on health inequalities and equalities.

Wider Impacts of COVID-19 on Health (WICH) monitoring tool
The wider impacts of COVID-19 on health monitoring tool (WICH) looks at the indirect effects of the COVID-19 pandemic on the population's health and wellbeing. Public Health England (PHE) health intelligence teams are scoping metrics that will enable the monitoring of the indirect health impacts of COVID-19. This resource is a central repository for the metrics as they become available.

UK Parliament POST: Covid-19
The Parliamentary Office of Science and Technology (POST) has produced a series of articles on topics including potential COVID-19 vaccines and school closures.

Engaging with Parliament as a researcher around COVID-19
There are various actions which academics and researchers can take to contribute their expertise and insights to the UK Parliament related to the COVID-19 outbreak and its impacts. The activities on this page are the most targeted, impactful ways that researchers can engage with Parliament on the COVID-19 outbreak at the moment.


Information from UK media sources


BBC | Coronavirus pandemic: Tracking the global outbreak
This series of maps and charts tracks the global spread of the virus

BBC News: Coronavirus pandemic
News stories from The BBC

The Guardian: Coronavirus outbreak news
News and analysis from The Guardian


Information from the UN and other international organisations


WHO | Coronavirus information page
This WHO webpage gives an overview on prevention and symptoms of COVID-19.

WHO | Coronavirus disease (COVID-2019) situation reports
WHO reports on the COVID-19 situation.

WHO | Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) advice for the public: Myth busters
A collection of WHO advice for the public.

World Organisation for Animal Health, OIE | questions and answers on the 2019 Coronavirus Disease (COVID-19)
Questions and answers from WHO on COVID-19.

United Nations Department of Economic and Social Affairs Statistics • COVID-19 response
This website provides a space for the global statistical community to share guidance, actions, tools and best practices.

European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control (ECDC) Q & A on COVID-19
Questions and answers from ECDC on COVID-19.


International information dashboards and trackers


Coronavirus COVID-19 Global Cases by Johns Hopkins CSSE
COVID-19 case dashboard

WHO Coronavirus disease (COVID-19) Situation Dashboard
COVID-19 situation dashboard open repository and visualisation platform
An international database tracking anonymised information about individual COVID-19 cases.

European Covid-19 Forecast Hub
Short-term forecasts of Covid-19 cases and deaths across Europe, created by a multitude of infectious disease modelling teams, coordinated by the European Centre for Disease Prevention and Control.

Our World in Data - Statistics and Research: Coronavirus Pandemic
A comparison of data profiles by country, internationally.

OECD Coronavirus (COVID-19) hub
This hub hosts OECD’s latest activity, key impacts, policy responses, data releases, and country policy tracker results.

Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker
The Oxford COVID-19 Government Response Tracker tracks and compares government responses to the coronavirus outbreak worldwide.

Outbreak Observatory
The Outbreak Observatory, run by Johns Hopkins Center for Health Security, aims to collect information on challenges and solutions associated with outbreak response and share it broadly with the public health preparedness and response communities to allow others to learn from these experiences in order to improve global outbreak response capabilities.

US Institute for Health Metrics and Evaluation COVID-19 projections
COVID-19 projections dashboard.

COVID-19 #CoronaVirus Infographic Datapack
Infographics describing different aspects of the pandemic.


Other opportunities for support


COVID-19: Emergency funds available to environmental groups
A list of funds collated by the Environmental Funders Network that are open to environment-orientated organisations requiring additional financial support during the pandemic.