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Last updated: 08 September 2020

RSB’s education policy and accreditation teams are regularly updating this page with latest news from government departments, QAA and others responsible for higher education across the UK.

This guidance is intended for use by those involved in teaching and learning in further education, undergraduate and postgraduate courses, but may be of interest to others involved in the wider sector.

Department for Education

Guidance for further education and skills providers providing information on returning to FE colleges and a toolkit for engaging vulnerable young people and a blog with the an FAQ for students.

A guide for post-16 qualification results and information on applying for student loans (exc. Scotland) during the COVID-19 pandemic.

UK Government

Information for HE providers on the government support package available for universities and students, the process for clearing and student numbers during the coronavirus (COVID-19) outbreak.

Specific guidance on reopening buildings and campuses in England.

Scottish Government

Help and advice for Scottish Students and those studying in Scotland during the pandemic, including advice on funding and the practicalities of moving back into university. Advice for Scottish Universities is also provided.

Northern Irish Government

Information for Northern Irish students and those studying in Northern Ireland during the pandemic.

Welsh Government

Information for Welsh students and those studying in Wales during the pandemic, including information on funding and accommodation.

Further guidance for Welsh students and those studying in Wales can be found here.


An advice page for HE providers, including webinars and written guidance.

A specific page on admissions during COVID-19 and providing work based learning and study abroad options.

Office for Students

Information pages for students and providers of Higher Education. They have provided a series of briefing notes about the sector's response to COVID-19 and a page on student and consumer protection.